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Muslim Families Help Pack Million Meals in South Florida

MWOSFL (The Muslim Women’s Organization of South Florida ) families participated in the 5th Annual Million Meal Pack sponsored by the AARP Foundation and Miami Dolphins on Sunday, April 29, 2018.

Over 40 adults, teens and kids from MWOSFL joined over 4,000 volunteers to pack a million meals for area senior citizens. Participants packed 1,017,504 meals that will be delivered by U.S. Hunger to older adults in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.

Muslim Families Help Pack Million Meals in South Florida - About Islam

At the Million Meal Pack, more than 4,906 enthusiastic volunteers worked an assembly line to pack nutritious Jambalaya meals of red lentils, rice, dehydrated vegetables and pink Himalayan salt. Volunteers also were invited to take part in a Community Fair as a thank you for their service. Miami Dolphins reported.

The fair’s lively atmosphere featured live music, football activities, performances by the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders and chances to win prizes. Participants were also able to learn about additional volunteer opportunities to serve their senior neighbors through interactive demonstrations, speakers and take-home materials.

MWO Volunteers at the Million Meal Pack!

Posted by Shahnaaz Yasin on Sunday, 29 April 2018


According to their website, The Muslim Women’s Organization of South FLorida (MWO-SFL) consists of women from throughout the South Florida Muslim community working together to improve their lives and their community. They accomplish this by supporting existing community initiatives and providing opportunities for women and their families to get involved and make a difference.

The MWO’s mission is to encourage Muslim women and their families to be a meaningful group committed to community service, outreach, personal development, & social services.

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