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Help Refugee Families Have a Decent Ramadan

As Muslims around the world celebrate the month of Ramadan, millions of Muslim families will experience the holy month in very bad living conditions in refugee camps.  Spending Ramadan in makeshift camps, informal settlements, and unfinished buildings, with insufficient food or proper shelter will be very hard for them.

It’s heartbreaking to imagine fasting families finding it harder this Ramadan to put food on the table by the end of the day.

UNHCR is launching a campaign this Ramadan to support refugee families and grant them a better Ramadan and Eid experiences.

UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, is the international organization mandated to act as a safety net for the protection of refugees and internally displaced people globally. They work around the clock to provide shelter, clean water, healthcare, education and other urgent needs to millions of refugees from Syria, Yemen and Iraq to the Horn of Africa and other war-torn countries. Their website states.

You can make a donation online by visiting: 

For more information click here UNHRC 

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UK Muslim Charity Launches Pre-Ramadan Campaign