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A Fundraising Iftar Honoring Ali Banat’s Legacy

After his courageous battle with cancer, brother Ali Banat returned to his Creator on Tuesday the 29th of May. We pray that Allah SWT grant him the highest levels of Jannah.

Now people may be thinking what’s next for MATW, the charity organization founded by brother Ali Banat?

MATW is organizing a fundraising iftar next Sunday, 9th of June at Renaissance Westella – 3 New St E, Lidcombe NSW 2141, Australia. The raised money will be used to complete some projects launched earlier by the organization in Togo and Bangladesh.

MATW (Muslims Around The World) is a charity founded by Ali Banat in 2015 to help people in poverty-stricken African countries like Togo, Ghana, and Burkina Faso.

The organization has been working on many projects in these African countries. From building schools, mosques and hospitals to providing daily meals to the poor, the work of MATW is ongoing.

Fulfilling Ali Banat’s Promise

Ali Banat’s wish was for MTAW to continue its work and for the poor people to continue receiving its life-changing support.

However, many of the projects are not complete yet. That’s why MTAW  is holding this fundraising event in order to fulfill brother Ali’s promise.

You can find more information about the event and buy your tickets here.