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Effective Marital Communication: Fighting Fair

In this video, sister Hana talks about the occasions when communication between the couples fails and what we can do about them.  

Oftentimes during a conversation, our emotions can get high to the extent that we may hurt each other badly. The technique of โ€œfighting fairโ€ ensures that this does not happen, and helps keep fights under control.

The technique includes the following points:

Avoid name-calling.

Have โ€œred linesโ€ that you do not cross during a fight.

Regulating emotions.

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Notice the trigger points that bring heated emotions in you.

Avoid shifting the topic of the fight.  

For more details, watch the video!

Find sister Hanaโ€™s other videos on the series of โ€œmarital communication:โ€

Effective Marital Communication: The Art of Fruitful Communication

Effective Marital Communication: 2. Reflective listening

About Hana Alasry
Hana Alasry is a physician associate practicing medicine in the US. She has over 10 years of Islamic community organizing experience. She is the founder of SALIM Life LLC and has a self-improvement brand which focuses on God-Conscious Self-Improvement. She has a particular interest in premarital preparation and healing chronic trauma and offers personal coaching, group coaching, workshops & more. You can find more about Hana's work at, on Tiktok (@HanathePA) and on Youtube (Hana Alasry).