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History of Islam in Latin America

Muslims in Argentina

Islam in Latin America is a growing religion.

Argentina is one of the countries that have more Muslims than we might think: approximately 2% of the population. 

How did Islam come to Argentina?

It is perhaps surprising that the arrival of Muslims can be traced back to the 15th century and Spanish exploration and conquest.

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They brought Morisco moors from the Iberian peninsula with them on these journeys as crew members.

Some of them settled there as they felt safer from the persecution and the compulsory exile from their homeland in Spain and Portugal.

The first two masjids of our present time were built in the 1980s in Buenos Aires. The largest Islamic center opened its gates in 1996.

While some Muslims and Arabs have lost their religious identity and integrated into Argentine society through mixed marriages, many of them are firm in their identity and Muslim faith.

Very interesting video, click to learn more!