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I Can’t Get Job in Hijab; My Faith Is Weakening

28 August, 2024
Q Assalamoalaikum. I am going through an extremely difficult time in my life. I have been unemployed since the last 2 years. I practice my faith to the best of my ability - observe the hijab and daily prayers.

I have applied for well over 500 jobs since last year and have received numerous interviews which I prepare for diligently. But despite my best efforts, prayers, supplication, I am always rejected.

I am inclined to believe that although I am more than qualified for a job, I am getting rejected on the basis that I am a Muslim woman who dons the hijab. This is heartbreaking.

My Imaan is weakening day by day. I've had a very difficult life in general.

I was born with a chronic condition although I manage it well and Alhamdolillah it does not affect me physically in any way. My mother passed away in my teens, I never met the right person to marry or have children.

I accepted this happily as Allah's will. However, He has taken away my source of provision. How do I a woman on my own provide for myself? Why does calamity after calamity befall me?

I have always tried to be a decent human and have never ventured into any haram ever. I am starting to question the will of Allah.

I know it is wrong, but when you have been through what I have in life, everything in existence falls into question. Am I a bad person, am I being deliberately punished or am I simply being tested to the point where I feel I will have a nervous breakdown.

I don’t have a very close or supportive family and therefore do not wish to burden them with my problems or sorrows.

If Allah swt refuses to help me then no one can. I feel this life I lead is meaningless, full of hurt and pain.

I do not have much to look forward to and my Imaan, well, it’s in tatters. What does a lost and broken soul like me even do?


In this counseling answer:

I suggest you start reading the Qur’an to remind yourself that Allah is there to help you and not against you. It will refresh your faith and you will feel better.

 Expand your job search to open up more doors for yourself, even if there are jobs not in your field.

Sometimes it is easier to get a job when you get referred by someone, so try to talk to friends or relatives, somebody will be able to help you.

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Assalam Aleikom Sister,

Thank you for writing to us. I will try to assist you the best I can, InshAllah.

I am sorry to hear about your situation. You are obviously going through a difficult time, and it is normal to feel the way you feel.

It is good that you practice your faith and observe the Hijab and the daily prayers, you should be proud of yourself. 

I can understand your frustration and worry, but do not lose hope, as bad days will get over soon, inshAllah.


Unfortunately, sometimes in the western countries, people judge you from your appearance. As you wear hijab, so maybe it puts them off. 

It does not mean you are not qualified or are not suitable for the job. It’s just a problem with their mentality.

What kind of jobs are you applying for? Maybe the jobs you apply for do not hire people with hijab?

Have you tried applying where it is more acceptable to wear whatever you want?

I Can’t Get Job in Hijab; My Faith Is Weakening - About Islam

You are not alone when it comes to this problem. Many Muslim women are facing this dilemma in the UK.

Reports have revealed that Muslim women are three times as likely to be unemployed and looking for a job than women generally.

This can affect many women’s confidence. They can feel that no matter how much experience and educated they are, they will not get some jobs.

Check out this counseling video:

That’s why it is better to apply for jobs where you are more likely to get a job.


A researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health did research on employment and health, discovered that employees who had lost a job were twice as likely to develop an illness.

Unemployment affects both the physical and mental health of a person.

Like I said before, you get lack of confidence, low self-esteem and depression are the most common effects of unemployment.

Keep a strong faith during hard times

You might feel helpless and your faith can get weak during a tough time.

But it is important to keep strong and careful, otherwise, the Satan try to plant doubts in our hearts and minds.

You are in an emotional state of mind and can get vulnerable and start questioning your faith.

In situations like that, Islam teaches us to stay in control by believing Allah.

Do not let Satan instill thoughts that can weaken your faith. Allah says in the Qur’an:

If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust. (Quran, 3: 160)

If you keep yourself strong and believe in Allah, you will feel you can handle the pain and it will give you hope and energy to keep moving forward.

It’s easier to say than done, but I suggest you start reading the Qur’an to remind yourself that Allah is there to help you and not against you. It will refresh your faith and you will feel better.

Your situation is a bit difficult, and you need to be in a job to support yourself financially.

That’s why I would suggest that you expand your job search to open up more doors for yourself, even if there are jobs not in your field.

Do not give up, keep trying.  Maybe you can check with your friends and see if they have any jobs to recommend to you.

I am sure there will be a place for you to work if you look at the right places, inshAllah.

There are a lot of women who use hijab in the UK, especially in the health sector, for example, nursing and similar jobs.

Sometimes it is easier to get a job when you get referred by someone, so try to talk to friends or relatives, somebody will be able to help you.

You are a mature woman and I am sure you will make a rational decision for yourself and try to make the best of your situation.

Even if you are overqualified for the jobs, you should see how practical it is for you, and where you do not have to sacrifice your faith.

If you have to choose between being liked by everyone and being respected, always chose respect.

So, if you get a job you are qualified for but they respect you hijab and your outlook, then you will be much happier in that job than in a job where they will degrade you and question your faith all the time.

May Allah give your patience and strength to handle your situation,



Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. In no event shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees be held liable for any damages that may arise from your decision in the use of our services.

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About Mawish Ali
HMawish Ali is a 27 years old Pakistani Muslim woman, born and bred in Norway. She has obtained her bachelor's degree in Sociology from Norway. Currently, she lives in the UK with her husband and two children. Email: