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Dying Hair Black in Islam

16 April, 2024
Q Is it permissible in Islam to dye hair black?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

It is permissible for men dye their hair any color provided it is void of anything prohibited such as imitating the immoral or if it leads men to effeminacy. It is permissible for women to dye their hair black as a means of adornment for their husbands.

Answering your question, Dar Al-Ifta Al-Misriyyah, states:

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It is permissible to dye one’s hair any color provided it is void of anything prohibited such as imitating the immoral or if it leads men to effeminacy.

It is permissible for women to dye their hair black as a means of adornment for their husbands.

A group of the Prophet’s Companions and followers also deemed it permissible for men to dye their hair black if it does not include fraud and deception. Those included Sa`d Ibn Abi Waqqas, `Uqbah Ibn `Amir, al-Hassan, al-Hussein, Jarir and others.

In his book “Al-Khidab” or “Dying”, Ibn Abi `Asim chose to follow this opinion and explained the hadith narrated by Ibn `Abbas in which he said, “By the end of time there will be people who dye their hair black, they will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise.”

He commented that the hadith does not include evidence on the undesirability of dying hair black; rather, it describes the traits of certain people. However, it is more appropriate for men to refrain from this to avoid the scholarly disagreement over dying hair black.

Almighty Allah knows best.

Source: Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah