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Sunnah Actions of Ghusl

25 July, 2023
Q What are the sunnah actions that one should do while making ghusl for major impurity?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

The Sunnah actions of ghusl are: washing both hands three times, washing the penis, waking a complete ablution, rubbing water through one’s hair three times, letting the water reach down to the roots of the hair, pouring water over the entire body, beginning with the right side, then the left, washing under the armpits, inside the ears, inside the navel, inside the toes and whatever part of the body can be easily rubbed.

In his famous work, Fiqh As-Sunnah, Sheikh Sayyid Sabiq, elaborates on the subject as follows:

The Sunnah actions of ghusl are:

  • Washing both hands three times,
  • Washing the penis,
  • Making a complete ablution (like the one made for prayer–the Prophet used to delay washing his feet until the end of his ghusl if he was using a tub, and so on),
  • Rubbing water through one’s hair three times, letting the water reach down to the roots of the hair,
  • Pouring water over the entire body, beginning with the right side, then the left, washing under the armpits, inside the ears, inside the navel, inside the toes and whatever part of the body can be easily rubbed.

This is based on the following report from Aishah:

“When the Prophet (peace be upon him) took his bath after sexual intercourse, he would begin by washing his hands. Then he would pour water from his right hand to his left and wash his sexual organs, make the ablution for prayer, take some water and put his fingers to the roots of his hair to the extent that he sees that the skin is wet, then pour water over his head three times and then over the rest of his body.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

In one narration it states, “He used to rub his head with his hands until he was certain the water reached his skin, and then he poured water over it three times.” It is also related that she said, “When the Prophet would perform ghusl after having had sexual intercourse, he would call for some water, which he would pour on his right hand to wash the right side of his head and then the left. He would then take water with both hands and pour it over his head.”

Maimunah said: “I put water out for the Messenger of Allah to perform ghusl. He washed his hands two or three times, and then he poured water from his right hand to his left and washed his private parts, wiped his hands on the earth, rinsed his mouth and nose, washed his face and hands, washed his head three times, poured water over his body, and finally moved from his place and washed his feet. I brought him a towel, but he did not take it, for he shook the water off with his hands.” (Related by “the group”)

For more, see these fatwas:

Should I Make Wudu After Ghusl?

Ghusl after Sex for Females: How

What Necessitates Wudu

When Is Wudu Recommended?

Almighty Allah knows best.