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How Deaf People Offer Prayer (Video)

28 January, 2023
Q Is it permissible for me to recite the Quran on behalf of my dead father so that he can receive the reward and it will be added to his record of good deeds?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

A person who is deaf is still obligated to pray, but accommodations can be made.

Sheikh Omar Suleiman answers your question in the following video:

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A person who is deaf is still obligated to pray, but accommodations can be made. They may need to learn how to pray independently, and if they are following a congregation, they can use their eyesight to look at people next to or preferably in front of them, in a collective prayer (Jamaโ€™ah).

For example, during Sujud, a person who is deaf can sense the movements of those next to them, or look to others for cues when to rise from the Sujud position in order to follow along with the congregational prayer.

But yes, a person who is deaf is still required to pray.

Allah Almighty knows best.
