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Will Children Get Rewarded or Punished for Their Deeds?

15 February, 2023
Q Do good and bad deeds of children count?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Answering your question, Sheikh Mustafa Umar, President of California Islamic University, states:

Children are rewarded for the good deeds they do even before they have reached the age of maturity. Children are not accountable for their bad deeds until they reach the age of maturity. Therefore, the bad things they do are not considered sins.

It was reported that: โ€œA woman lifted up a child and said, โ€˜Messenger of Allah, will his Hajj be counted?โ€™ He said, โ€˜Yes, and you will be rewarded.โ€™โ€ (Al-Bukhari)

Almighty Allah knows best.
