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Is It Permissible for Women to Wear Jewelry in Ihram?

01 May, 2024
Q Is it permissible for women to wear jewelry during the state of ihram in hajj and Umrah?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

The majority of Muslim jurists find no harm for a woman to wear jewelry during ihram, unless it is used for tempting or grabbing attention of men.  

Dr. `Abdul-Kareem Zidan, professor of Shari`ah at Baghdad University, states the following,

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โ€œIt is permissible for a woman to wear any jewelry during ihram, as it has been reported by Al-Bukhari that Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) did not find any harm in wearing jewelry for a woman who is in the state of ihram.

In addition, it is stated in Al-Mughni by Ibn Qudamah that Imam Ahmad reported that Nafi` said, โ€œIbn `Umarโ€™s wives and daughters used to wear jewelry and dresses dyed with safflower during ihram, and he used not to contest their action.โ€

Imam Ahmad also reported โ€” as mentioned in Al-Mughni โ€” that Aishah elaborated that a woman can wear in ihram whatever she used to wear when she is not in state of ihram, such as silk and jewelry. Thus, the Hanbali school of thought โ€” as far as I could conclude โ€” allows wearing jewelry by women during ihram, as it is reported by Hanbal that Imam Ahmad said, โ€œA muhrimah can wear jewelry and clothes dyed with safflower.โ€

Likewise, Malikis and Hanafis adopt the same view based on the juristic ruling that wearing jewelry is a permissible adornment, and a muhrimah is not prohibited from wearing adornments, along with the proofs that maintain the permissibility of wearing jewelry.โ€

Shedding more light on this issue, Mahmoud Isma`il, the editor of Hajj and `Umrah counsels at IslamOnline.netโ€™s Arabic website, states:

โ€œThe majority of Muslim jurists rule that wearing jewelry by women during ihram is permissible; however, we must differentiate between wearing adornments that are permissible according to the boundaries of Shari`ah and wearing jewelry with the intention of exposing it in front of men โ€” other than the husband or Mahramsโ€” for temptation and/or grabbing attention, which is impermissible in general whether at the time of ihram or otherwise.

Wearing jewelry for unlawful goals is worse during ihram and inside the Sacred House of Allah.โ€

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Editorโ€™s note: This fatwa is from Ask the Scholarโ€™s archive and was originally published at an earlier date.

Almighty Allah knows best.