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Why Is Allah Testing Me This Way?

11 June, 2024
Q Why does Allah make me suffer that much? Why has He made life so difficult for me? Don't says it is a test I did not want to be tested in this harsh way!


In this counseling answer:

Life is indeed difficult and at times very harsh. We are often not prepared to deal with the harsh realities that present themselves to us.

Allah is indeed very Just. And each and everyone of us will be rewarded or punished according to the deeds we do in this temporary world.

Do not compromise your safety and well being.

Your life and peace of mind is the most important thing. You have to ensure that you are safe.

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Visit a professional counselor.

Brother, I know it is difficult to maintain faith when one is going through a dark phase – but know that it is Allah SWT who has put us in a certain situation and it is Him who can take us out of the situation.

Life in this world is temporary.

AssalamuAlaikum brother, 

I am sorry that you are through a difficult phase of your life. I wish you had mentioned some of the difficulties you are experiencing in your life, so that I would have been able to respond to you more specifically.

Life is indeed difficult and at times very harsh. We are often not prepared to deal with the harsh realities that present themselves to us.

However, it would be inappropriate to say that Allah Subhanahu Wa’Ta’ala is mean or stingy. (Na’uzu Billah)

Allah is in fact the most Merciful and most Compassionate.

He is the one who is the Creator of the universe. He has created the Good as well as the Evil; so that each and every one of us can be tested. 

This is also the reason why Allah SWT has created the Day of Judgment – so that He can reward those who were good and persevered through the hardships and called out to Him when life got difficult; and similarly – He will punish those who transgressed the limits set by Allah SWT, and usurped other people’s rights. 

In the Quran, Allah SWT says, 

“That Day, the people will depart separated [into categories] to be shown [the result of] their deeds. So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” [99:6-8]

Allah is indeed very Just. And each and everyone of us will be rewarded or punished according to the deeds we do in this temporary world. 

Life in this World is Temporary

Brother, life in this world is temporary. It is a test for those who Believe in the Hereafter.

Allah does not oppress, and He also hates those who oppress.

The reason why Allah SWT allows these hardships (such as disease, financial difficulty, death and even oppression) in this temporary world is so that He can reward us accordingly in the Hereafter. 

In the Quran, Allah SWT says, 

“Those who believe [in the Oneness of Allâh (Monotheism) and in Messenger Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم , and do not give up their faith because of the harm they receive from the polytheists], and do righteous good deeds, surely, We shall expiate from them their evil deeds and shall reward them according to the best of that which they used to do.” [29:7]

Why Is Allah Testing Me This Way? - About Islam

Do Not Compromise Your Safety And Well being

Brother, that being said, the trials we go through life does not mean we allow people to abuse us.

I am absolutely not aware of the situation you are currently in.

And if God Forbid you are in a situation where you are in a form of active abuse – it is important to know that you do not have to compromise your safety.

Reach out for help. There are centers and organizations in every area that can help you get out of an abusive environment or a toxic relationship.

If this is the situation – you need to find a support group (you can also find some online or on Facebook), that can help you find your strength to move out of an abusive environment. 

Check out this counseling video:

Assess Your Situation

Your life and peace of mind is the most important thing.

You have to ensure that you are safe. Sometimes, life gets dark, depressed and gloomy – but there is always hope.

If you are in a situation or in a relationship where you are being abused verbally, physically or sexually – know that you have to seek help and get yourself out of the situation. There will always be people who will be able to help you. 

I would encourage you to share your situation more openly so that we can guide and provide you the help you need. 

Visit A Professional Counselor

If you find yourself in a difficult situation which you feel that you are not able to tackle on your own, and need emotional support.

Go for professional counselling and therapy in your local area.

Or try to find a counselor online you can help you make meaning of your life and help you cope through the difficulties. 

Do Not Lose Faith

Brother, I know it is difficult to maintain faith when one is going through a dark phase – but know that it is Allah SWT who has put us in a certain situation and it is Him who can take us out of the situation.

So Ask Allah SWT for help and guidance and He will surely listen to you and answer your prayers. 

It is Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala who saved Hazrat Ibrahim Alaiyhis Salaam (A.S) from the fire pit, and Hazrat Younus A.S from the stomach of the fish.

And it is Allah SWT who protected Hazrat Muhammad SAW from the oppression of the disbelievers and granted him victory over everyone. 

May Allah be with you and may Allah protect you from all evil.   



Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. In no event shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees are liable for any damages that may arise from your decision in the use of our services.

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