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How to Gradually Adopt Hijab in the West?

30 January, 2022
Q Salaam. I am person living in a non-Muslim country and I haven't been paying attention to the importance of hijab but lately it just struck to me like a lightening bolt and has kept me under a lot of stress. I can't decide if I should take it or not because I feel like the proper way to take it is with an abaya (full gown) and I feel like if I take it just as a scarf its like doing it halfway. In addition, I use makeup but if we wear scarf does that mean we can also not use makeup? If I think about not taking it I get stressed out there as well because I don't want Allah to punish me in any way. I did ishtikhara and 1st day I saw my sister crying and the 2nd day I couldn't remember the dream. Please help me relieve this distress within me?


Short Answer: Take the transition phase step by step and seek the support and advice of other sisters who have already been through this transition, and with dua it will be easier inshaAllah. Instead of being worried and stressed, I suggest you rejoice as you are doing something to please Allah (SWT) and obeying His command.


Salam Dear Sister,

Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam


No doubt that hijab is an important issue for Muslim women, as it is part of Godโ€™s Guidance for Muslims to observe wherever they may be. Living in a non-Muslim country can make it more difficult in some cases, especially when the general environment is hostile towards Islam, as is the case in many non-Muslim countries today.

I would like first to congratulate you on becoming aware of its importance, but at the same time would suggest that you take this issue without stress and without anxiety. When you are ready to wear hijab is the best time to take this decision, and making dua is important in order for Allah to facilitate this matter for you.


Wearing an abaya is easy to do when you live in a Muslim country like Saudi Arabia or Egypt, but certainly more difficult when you live in a country like the US. There is a general rule of thumb in Islam which says that what you canโ€™t do in a perfect way, donโ€™t abandon it in its entirety.

In your case, you mention that โ€œwearing a scarf is like doing it halfwayโ€, but still it is a step in the right direction. If you take one step to come closer to Allah, He will bring you many steps closer to Him. What is important is having the right intention, and as your intention is to please Allah (SWT), and obey His commands then proceed and donโ€™t worry if the scarf alone is not the ideal solution.


As per Islam, you should not wear makeup outside your home, or in the presence of non-mahrams. The following is the ruling given by the Former President of ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), Sheikh Muhammad Nur Abdallah on wearing makeup:

Wearing makeup in general is part of zeenah or beautification, which is forbidden to be shown to non-mahrams. Therefore, a woman cannot wear makeup outside her home. But in general, a Muslim woman should be modest when she goes in public.

As for wearing makeup in her house or to beautify herself for her husband, a woman should be moderate and should not take extremes in anything. If she maintains this level of moderation, there will not be any harm inshaAllah.

How to Gradually Adopt the Hijab in the West

To conclude, instead of being worried and stressed, I suggest you rejoice as you are doing something to please Allah (SWT) and obeying His command.

Take the transition phase step by step and seek the support and advice of other sisters who have already been through this transition, and with dua it will be easier inshaAllah.

May Allah make it easy for you and reward you for your good intention and good deeds. Ameen.

I hope this helps answer your questions.

Salam and please keep in touch.

(From Ask About Islam archives)

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