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Different Races From Adam and Eve: How?

03 November, 2016
Q As-salamu Alaikum. There is a question that my friend (who is an atheist by the way) asked me a while back: If we are all the progeny of Adam and Eve, when then do different races exist? Was there a black or brown Adam and Eve? I could answer this question through an Islamic perspective by telling him that Allah divided us into tribes, etc. However, for him Quran is not a credible source. Therefore that argument would be hopeless. I know this question questions the existence of mankind broadly but I was hoping, Insha'Allah, you guys could shed some light on this scientifically. Basically, how do races emerge if not through evolution. Thank you.


Salam Dear Ghufran,

Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

Do we really have different races? This is a question that the following analysis should answer with a big โ€œNOโ€. Biological life is controlled by the DNA of the respective species, and of the individual members of the species.

Contrary to the theory of Darwinian evolution, each species has its own unique basic DNA type, so that macro-evolution from one species to another is impossible. Otherwise, millions of transitional species with transitional DNA could have existed. Not a single such example was ever observed or detected.

Hence, all human beings have the same basic type of DNA, so that the basic traits and functions of the human organs, tissues and various types of cells are the same. So, biologically, humanity is one basic race. Variations between individuals are due to detailed differences in the genetic code, unique for every individual.

Apparent variations in body color, hair and facial forms are due to differences in the genes controlling these traits.

Although each baby inherits genes from both parents, transmitted to him via the original fatherโ€™s sperm and motherโ€™s ovum (each with their 23 DNA carrying chromosomes), yet the resulting genes should not necessarily be identical with either the fatherโ€™s or motherโ€™s.

They can even be different from both fatherโ€™s and motherโ€™s when either of them carries and transmits to their offspring the so-called โ€œrecessiveโ€ genes, inherited in turn from earlier generations.

Further, there is no logical reason why the combination of a sperm with an ovum would not produce something totally different even in the absence of such recessive genes.

Science has shown that the mere variations in the sequence and spatial distribution of the four nucleotides (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine) in a gene, common to all creatures, could produce such huge myriads of biological traits and functions.

The only explanation is that an individualโ€™s genetic code is dictated by an โ€œIntelligent Designer or Programmerโ€ and not by random chance. With the same token, the genes of an offspring could be similar or dissimilar to the parents, according to the will of the same โ€œIntelligent Designer.โ€

As for Adam and Eve, you can see from the above analysis, without quoting the Quran, that their offspring could have traits such as skin color, hair and facial forms, different from either parents. They (Adam and Eve) could as well have carried a variety of genes similar to the concept of recessive genes.

Either way, from the same Adam and Eve, resulted in the different races. In fact, โ€œraceโ€ is an old term and concept that modern genetic science has shown to be meaningless, but has been satanically exploited to justify all sorts of racial hatred, arrogance, tyranny, and discrimination.

I hope this answers your question. Please keep in touch.


About Dr. Nabil Haroun
He got the bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering, Cairo University, in 1960. He, then, got the PhD degree in ceramic materials from Sheffield University, England, in 1967. He worked as a professor in the University of King Abdul-Aziz in Saudi Arabia. Afterwards, he worked as an editor-in chief- for the English textbooks of the American Open (Islamic) University in Qatar in 2000. He also worked as the consultant editor of the Islamic Translation Department at Dar Al-Farouk for Publication in 2000-2003