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Changing Outfits after Work: Am I a Hypocrite?

07 August, 2016
Q I work in a bank, and I wear a suit with pants. However, I don’t want to wear pants, and I prefer to wear loose garments(skirts and abayas). Sometimes, I would have a day at work, and then a religious gathering with friends afterwards, so I feel like I should change my outfit to something more modest. I’m I a hypocrite for doing that? Should I not wear the looser more modest garments with them because this makes me hypocritical?


Salam Dear Sister,

Thank you so much for asking this question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

I’m happy you are very honest with yourself and you are trying to be as sincere as possible in all your actions.

First of all, no one can tell you whether you are a hypocrite or not, but you can be a witness for your own self. You know why you are doing or not doing something. In the situation you mentioned: if you are going to change into more modest clothing only because you are afraid of someone other than Allah or to please certain people other than Allah, then you should fix your intention.

We shouldn’t fear people more than we fear Allah or want to please them more than we want to please Him! He is more worthy and He is The Judge and He is The One Who Provides and The One Who Withholds whatever we are pursuing in this life and the next. So it is Him we should be more concerned about.

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Now, after you fix your intention and remember to purify your actions for the sake of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’la) then definitely go ahead and wear something more modest. You just need to take a moment to fix your intention, then do what you know is more pure and more right… for the sake of Allah and because all of us should always strive towards doing what’s best anyway.

Let’s reiterate, do not delay doing something good. Do not let shaitan tell you that you’re a hypocrite and lead you to put off doing something right. No. Simply take a moment to fix your intention, then do it. Do it because you want to please Allah and you want the purest actions and you are striving as much as you can and whenever you can.

Modesty is always the right way to go.

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said:

“Hayaa’ [Modesty] does not bring anything except good.”

“All of [Hayaa’] Modesty is good.”

And He said:

“Hayaa’ (modesty) is a part of Iman.”

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

So do not waste an opportunity to practice more modesty. Always hasten towards good deeds and do not delay.

Now few tips and points to remember here:

1- I’m reminded of this important hadith of the Prophet. He (peace and blessings upon him) said: “The essence of virtue is (manifested in) good morals (Akhlaq) whereas sinful conduct is that which turns in your heart (making you feel uncomfortable) and you dislike that it would be disclosed to other people.” [Related by Muslim].

It seems that this is what’s happening with you; there is something making you uncomfortable and you hate that people see you doing it.

If that’s the case and you’re very uncomfortable with the work garment, why don’t you try other outfits that do not compromise modesty and are at the same time professional and presentable?

There are so many ways of doing that. Also, your superiors at work shouldn’t have any problem with that. It doesn’t really harm them or harm the work in any way if you are wearing a loose skirt or dress instead of tight pants. It’s actually more comfortable, and won’t affect your desk work in any way.

2- Continue to spend more time in the company of those friends you mentioned as it seems their company is encouraging you to act more modestly and it’s something that you want to do. Allah Almighty says:

“And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.” (Quran 18: 28)

Finally, do the right thing always, whenever you have an opportunity, seize it and do not delay. Always make dua to Allah to help and guide you to the best paths. Ask Him to purify your intention and accept from you and descend peace and serenity upon your heart, and to fix all of your affairs for you.

“O Allah! Your mercy is what I hope for. Do not abandon me to myself for an instant, but put all my affairs in good order for me. There is no god but You.” Ameen.

I hope this helps answer your question.

Salam and please keep in touch.

About Dina Mohamed Basiony
Dina Mohamed Basiony is a writer based in Cairo, Egypt. She specializes in Islam and spirituality. Dina holds an MA and BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from the American University in Cairo.