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Can a Non-Muslim Have a Hands-On Experience of Islam?

15 November, 2020
Q Although the individual is a non-Muslim, would it be permissible for the individual to partake in Islam, knowing that there is no compulsion in accordance with Al-Baqara 256? Would it matter if the individual was doing it as a way to learn more about Islam with hands-on engagement while he/she is still a member of the faith they have been born or recently converted to? Does the question being asked relate to whether or not one automatically becomes a Muslim without authentically reciting the Shahada? The reason for asking that question is due to an article that seems to state how one questioner was a Christian wanting to be a Muslim, despite the fact the person has not made the profession of faith. [] Even though the question applies to all faiths, it would be appreciatedโ€”as an Orthodox Christianโ€”to seek insight to the question from that perspective while ensuring non-Orthodox Christians can get a chance to seek their answer with their perspectives taken into consideration. The question being asked [here] is based on a response received from the Christian version of About Islam [question sent to that website] was: "As an Orthodox Christian, would partaking in another religion's practicesโ€”such as being a part of Islam's Jumu'ah and their five daily prayers for learning about other cultures by actually experiencing it and trying it outโ€”be considered blasphemy, and is it the type of blasphemy in which God will never forgive since it is against the holy spirit? Answer โ€œThat would not be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. However, it would certainly be a sin and not something a Christian should partake in. We can learn about other religions and cultures without actually participating in their faith. To say Muslim prayers, or to take part in an Islamic service, literally means practicing a false faith. There is no reason, and much wrong, with a Christian choosing to actively engage in the rituals of a false faith.โ€


Short Answer: 

  • Simply partaking in rituals without belief in them or believing in the absolute Oneness of God and acceptance of His last and final Messenger Muhammad, of course, does not make you a Muslim. 
  • Becoming a Muslim is an honor granted to sincere seekers who truly wholeheartedly desire it. Islam is not a false religion like you were told. Rather, Islam is the same religion and the only religion that the Creator has sent from the beginning of time.
  • God doesnโ€™t change His mind, nor send several contradictory religions. God sent the same message of pure monotheism (Tawheed: pure submission to Him alone) with all His Messengers. 


Hello Sir, 

Thank you for sending us your question and for wanting to double-check information and learn more about Islam humbly, sincerely and eagerly. Your efforts are appreciated. May The Almighty One & Only God guide you to answers that soothe your heart and mind, and bring you all goodness in this life and the next. 

Can a non-Muslim have a hands-on experience of Islam?

Yes, of course. People from all backgrounds are most welcome to learn thoroughly about Islam directly from primary sources: from the Quran (the Direct Word of God) and from Muslims and knowledgeable scholars of Islam. The best way to learn about someone is from them directly to hear their own perspectives because this gives the most accurate understanding. 

Please know that we all have the same One & Only Creator that we worship. Muslims (which means in Arabic those who submit to The One & Only God), direct their hearts, minds, and limbs in prayer every day to the One Deity of the Heavens and the Earth and everything therein. 

{And your god is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.} (Quran 2:163)

Allah in Arabic means โ€˜The Godโ€™, The One & Only Deity of all mankind. The knowledge about Him in the Quran and in the sayings of Prophet Muhammad really enrich the soul as it gives a full and clear understanding of who He is and what He wants from us, and this gives meaning and tranquility to the mind and the heart. You can read about the Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah.  

One idea for you is to call your nearest mosque/Islamic center and ask them to arrange an introductory session for you about Allah, Islam, and its rituals. 

Does partaking in rituals mean youโ€™ve become Muslim?

Simply partaking in rituals without belief in them or believing in the absolute Oneness of God and acceptance of His last and final Messenger Muhammad, of course, does not make you a Muslim. 

Becoming a Muslim is an honor granted to sincere seekers who truly wholeheartedly desire it. It is not merely granted by doing some rituals without sincere belief. It is not like people will be โ€˜capturedโ€™ once they do some Islamic rituals. Rather, Allah (God Almighty) wants from people their hearts and their sincerity. And the Noble Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

โ€œVerily actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended.โ€ [Sahih al Bukhari]

If you donโ€™t intend to be a Muslim and you donโ€™t intend by the practices sincere devotion to God and following of His final Revelation and submission to Him, then, of course, you wonโ€™t be a Muslim and it wonโ€™t be an act rewarded the same way Muslims are rewarded for their acts of worship. 

Islam is not about void or empty words or practices, it is about oneโ€™s true state of submission to the One & Only Creator, Sustainer and Master of all the worlds without associating anyone or anything with Him, and to accept His Direct Verbatim Revelation (the Quran) and accept all His Messengers. 

Common Ground

And there is a lot of common ground between us. Muslims pray even the same way Jesus (peace be upon him) prayed while putting his forehead on the ground in humble prostration and submission to his Lord. 

Throughout the Quran, you will realize that it is Godโ€™s Direct Word addressing all mankind.

{O mankind, there has come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the chests and guidance and mercy for the believers.} (Quran 10:57)

{O mankind, the Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe; it is better for you. But if you disbelieve โ€“ then indeed, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth. And ever is Allah Knowing and Wise.} (Quran 4:170)

{O mankind! Remember Allahโ€™s grace toward you! Is there any creator other than Allah who provides for you from the sky and the earth? There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, how then are you turning away?}  (Quran: 35:3) 

{This [Quran] is a clear statement to [all] the people and a guidance and instruction for those conscious of God.} (Quran 3:138)

Is Islam a false religion? 

Islam is not a false religion like you were told. Rather, Islam is the same religion and the only religion that the Creator has sent from the beginning of time. He Almighty is All-Wise, He doesnโ€™t change His mind, nor send several contradictory religions. 

God sent the same message of pure monotheism (Tawheed: pure submission to Him alone) with all His Messengers. 

Islam is the state of humble submission to the Creator, the realization of His unrivaled Power and acknowledgment of manโ€™s purpose in life and purpose of creation which is to deeply know, connect with and worship The One God alone. We believe in all Prophets and all of them; from Adam to Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all) all of them were Muslims (i.e. submitting to The Creator).

He Almighty sent revelations before like the Torah to Prophet Moses and the Gospels (Injeel) to Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them). However, it is academically known that these scriptures currently (Torah & Gospels) have been edited, and they are not in their pure form as the Direct Word of God.  

This is why He sent the last and final message, which is the Quran, and it has been preserved in its original form, absolutely protected, unedited for all mankind to hear the Direct Word of God Himself. 

For your learning journey, here is a free online Quran website. You can listen to the Quran as it is essentially a โ€˜Recitationโ€™ to be heard. Navigate through it with an open heart and mind. You can start with the Opening Chapter, called The Opener

Other recommended resources

The Quran Explained to non-Muslims

Explanation of the Beautiful Names Of Allah (Part 1) โ€“ ALLAH- By Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble

Nouman Ali Khan โ€“ Quran Speaks: A Message for Humanity

Divine Speech

Purpose of Life- Jeffrey Lang

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If Jesus Was God, Why Would Jesus Pray To God?

Is Jesus God?