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How to Avoid Ramadan Fatigue Syndrome?

24 March, 2024
Q How to avoid Ramadan fatigue syndrome?


Short Answer:

  • During sohur, drink plenty of water but a little at a time; drinking too much at once will put an unnecessary burden on your cardiovascular system and your kidneys.
  • During this blessed morning meal, some people felt satisfied eating nuts, wheat, honey, yogurt, and bananas. A multi-vitamin is not a bad idea either.
  • At iftar, break your fast with water and dates or something light. Pray maghrib. Then eat a healthy meal. Do not mix too many types of food at one time. Most importantly, do not overeat; this will make you lazy and uncomfortable.
  • Also, take a short nap during the day, this will boost your energy for the evening. However, do not oversleep and reverse the day into night.
  • Have your eyes on the prize. Slow and steady wins the race. Focus on quality rather than quantity.
  • Make sure to do a variety of good deeds so as to not get bored and lose motivation. Variation is always good to break the loop.



Assalamu Alaikum Everyone,

How to Avoid Ramadan Fatigue Syndrome?

We often notice the number of people praying night prayers decreases after the first ten days of Ramadan.

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One of the reasons is fatigue from short nights, efforts done in the first days in Ramadan in fasting and praying, in addition to other responsibilities; such as work, family, etc.

On the issue of what to do to help reduce this fatigue in order for us to be ready for the last ten days of Ramadan, here is what some people  have to say: 

Ideas and Suggestions

Angelique Zakir: Eating less and eat nuts, eggs, wheat in the morning with yogurt, keeps thirst away and you will be full. Inshaโ€™Allah.

Christie Wagner Ibrahim: Sorry but eating less only made me lack on any energy. The thought is good for some but for others, it does the opposite. One has to really learn their body, what is good, and what is bad. Sometimes the body needs potassium or iron. So my suggestion is to keep up a good multivitamin.

Ahmad Zuha: Eat less in the evening โ€ฆ and if you feel you need more, then eat something after taraweeh. And donโ€™t drink too much water at once. It does the opposite.

Fan Karyalepak: So far I never feel fatigued! Alhamdulillah โ€“ taking a tablespoon of honey during sohur โ€“ keeps you energetic the whole day inshaโ€™Allah.

Ludfia Albertus: My doctor told me to eat a banana at sohur time. Believe me, it works for me Alhamdulillah โ€ฆ High in potassium.

Pรฅwร Kaur: Take it easy. Do not overburden yourself. Remember Allah likes the deeds which are consistent even if they may be little. Try and step slowly. And know fasting is an ibadah in itself. Take a nap during the day. May Allah make it easy for all of us.

Akinniyi LittleSaint Lawal: Eat less and take some water โ€ฆ I think this is whatโ€™s helping me.

Alaaf Olayinka: I personally eat less in both sohur and iftar still I do not feel any fatigue. Despite that I feel free during the days of this month of Ramadan. May Allah accept our ibadah and answer our prayers. Ameen!!!

Eyes on The Prize!

Editorโ€™s Note:

Have your eyes on the prize. Slow and steady wins the race. Focus on quality rather than quantity.

Make sure to do a variety of good deeds so as to not get bored and lose motivation. Variation is always good to break the loop.

In Avoiding the Ramadan Dip Webinar, Sara Sultan LPC from Yaqeen Institute speaks about how we need to stop beating ourselves up and giving in to disappointment and despair. We need to exercise some self-compassion so we can move on forward. Set goals that are high but not impossible.


During sohur, drink plenty of water but a little at a time; drinking too much at once will put unnecessary burden on your cardiovascular system and your kidneys. It is advisable to drink water in three sips; thatโ€™s how the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to do (As-Shamil Al-Muhammadiyyah by At-Thirmidhi: Characteristics of Muhammad).

Also, drink before and after meals, but not while eating, since this may slow your digestive process. During this blessed morning meal, some people felt satisfied eating nuts, wheat, honey, yogurt, and bananas. A multi-vitamin is not a bad idea either.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
Eat Sahur (predawn meal). Surely, there is blessing in it. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
How to Avoid Ramadan Fatigue Syndrome

At iftar, break your fast with water and dates or something light. Pray maghrib. Then eat a healthy meal. Do not mix too many types of food at one time. Most importantly, do not overeat; this will make you lazy and uncomfortable. If you wish, you may eat a light meal after taraweeh if not satisfied.

Also, take a short nap during the day, this will boost your energy for the evening. However, do not oversleep and reverse the day into night.

Follow the Prophetโ€™s Sunnah by breaking fast as soon as maghrib adhan is called and stop eating and drinking as soon as fajr adhan is called. It was narrated by Abu Atiyyah that:

I said to Aishah: โ€œAmong us there are two of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), one of whom hastens Iftar and delays Sahur, and the other delays Iftar and hastens Sahur.โ€ She said: โ€œWhich of them is the one who hastens Ifar and delays Sahur?โ€ I said: โ€œAbdullah bin Masud.โ€ She said: โ€œThat is what the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to do.โ€ (An-Nasai โ€“ Sahih)

Have your eyes on the prize. Slow and steady wins the race. Focus on quality rather than quantity.

Make sure to do a variety of good deeds so as to not get bored and lose motivation. Variation is always good to break the loop.

Try those suggestions the next time you fast. Ramadan Mubarak!

I hope this was helpful.


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