Youths are the backbone of any nation and they play an important role in building a better future. In this modern era, Islamic youths face unique challenges but also have great opportunities to bring about positive changes in society. This article will discuss some of the main issues faced by Islamic youths and the hopes that can be achieved.
The Story of the Youth in the Cave
Allah (SWT) provides a compelling example of 3 young men who remained steadfast in their faith. Indeed, they were young men who believed in their Lord, and We guided them, and We established their hearts when they stood up, and they said,
“Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and we call upon no god but Him. Indeed, if we had done so, we would have uttered a word very far from the truth.”
Surah Al-Kahf 18:14–13.
The mindset, which urges youths to prioritise pleasure without considering consequences, can lead to regret in old age. It is important for youth to fulfil religious duties and values to avoid harm.
While freedom and self-expression are important, it is crucial to act responsibly and morally to safeguard both temporal happiness and eternal salvation. Without moral integrity, recklessness can overshadow joy in youth and affect future well-being, leading to a life of regret and unhappiness in old age.
Challenges and Misconceptions
Don’t waste your youth on frivolity and neglect. Negligence is a disease that clouds the mind and heart, leading to unawareness of time and consequences. Focus on substance over appearance, essence over surface, and long-term outcomes rather than short-term gratification. Prioritize inner growth and understanding for a fulfilling life.

We should be thankful to Allah (SWT) for saving us from the dangers of youth. If we use our youth for worship and good deeds, we will be rewarded eternally. Growing in obedience to Allah during our youth will provide us with the strength to face worldly problems. Muslims should be inspired by those who spend their youth in obedience rather than indulging in temporary pleasures.
The Prophet mentioned that those who grow in obedience will be among the seven groups who receive the shade of Allah on the Day of Judgement.
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said:
“There are seven groups of people whom Allah will protect on the Day of Resurrection, the day when there will be no protection but His, namely; A just Imam, a young man who grows up worshipping Allah, a man who remembers Allah so much when he is alone that his eyes fill with tears, a man whose heart is always connected to the mosque, two people who love each other for the sake of Allah, a man who is asked out on a date by a beautiful woman, but he says: ‘I fear Allah’, and a man who gives charity in secret, so that his left hand does not know about the deeds of his right hand.” Al Bukhari.
Youth as a Source of Inspiration
Inspiring youth in the Muslim community to prioritise obedience to Allah, avoiding distractions, and focusing on faith and character development. They serve as a source of motivation for others, earning eternal youth in the hereafter. Guided by the Qur’an, they love, hate, form friendships, give, make peace, and make war for the sake of Allah.
They prioritize Allah above all else, avoiding boastfulness, mischief, and worldly pursuits. Their ultimate goal is pleasing their Lord, not seeking worldly recognition or wealth.

There are three things in life that, if not managed well, will be a source of disaster and damage in one’s life: youth, leisure, and wealth. They are like two sides of the same sharp sword; if you are able to manage them, they will be good, but if you are unable to manage them, they will be a source of damage.
For many people, youth is the most beautiful period—a time when people discover everything, have no dependents, and can channel their freedom.
That is precisely its vulnerability; in the midst of a soul that is still in the process of searching, youth determines what we will become in the future.
Ibn ‘Abbas reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said,
“Make use of five things before five things: Your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your leisure before your busyness, and your life before your death.”
Hadith narrated by Al-Hakim.
If our youth is spent having fun and enjoying life without caring about the future, then what will happen in old age is regret. But if we spend our youth with serious and earnest efforts to prepare ourselves for the future, learning various things and doing positive things, then that is the
provision for a brilliant future. Free time can also be a source of disaster if not used properly.
Filling your life with productive things is the best way to utilize free time. Keeping ourselves busy with work and building ourselves and society will make our lives more valuable and useful.
May Allah help us.