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Being Gifted and Also Depressed: Possible?

04 July, 2023
Q I know someone who was born exceptionally smart than others. However, he seemed to have a very depressing period in the last couple of years, he was prone to anxiety since he was young. He was told that being gifted is a barakah from Allah, but at the same time he could not understand why he is struggling with depression. He also believed this barakah was meant to help others. But I noticed a lot of people are using him, and left him eventually. My question is what’s the possible meaning behind this gifted talent along with severe depression? How can he “help” or “serve” others with this barakah if he was also born to be prone to depression?


In this counseling answer:

  • Gifted children usually need special education, care, and adjustment of their studies not only to foster their talent but also to avoid some mental health issues that can be directly linked to their condition.
  • While he has the strength of being smart, he can be tested with something else, like, for example, depression.
  • If he struggles with depression, the best thing you can do is support him in finding assessment and treatment.

Salam alaikom brother,

Thank you for your question. You know someone who was born exceptionally smart, masallah. But still seems to have a very depressing period in his life.

He could not understand how these two things—being gifted and struggling with depression—can happen to him and what the possible meaning of this talent along with severe depression is.

Well, brother, this is an interesting question.

Being Gifted

When we talk about a gifted person, we are talking about someone who is blessed with exceptional intelligence, creativity, or natural ability in a single or multiple fields.

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This ability is usually noticed at an early age, when the child starts to exceed expectations and accomplish at a notable level for his or her age group.

These children usually need special education, care, and adjustment of their studies not only to foster their talent but also to avoid some mental health issues that can be directly linked to their condition.

And this is interesting, because would you think that a talented person could suffer any form of problem in school?

But actually, research indicates that those who are gifted are also vulnerable and prone to certain mental health conditions. Read more here, here.

One study, for example, compared 49 gifted children aged 9-18 years with 56 age- and gender-matched healthy children of normal intelligence. The findings suggest that gifted children are at risk in respect of mental health.


Because they are usually bored in the class. They need a faster pace, more in-depth understanding, or more interest. If they are not provided with this care, they end up losing interest, which leads to failing exams, etc.

Not to mention the possible bullying and exclusion by their peers for being “different.”

Also, maybe they themselves feel alone and a bit out of touch with others, and this isolates them from their peers and finally leads them to depression.

I have no more detail about your friend, so I am not sure, but this is a possible explanation for his mental health problems.

But there are other ways to see this problem too.

For example, you know, Allah says in the Quran that we are all going to be tested somehow. We all have our weaknesses and strengths.

And this means that while he has the strength of being smart, he can be tested with something else, like, for example, depression.

We human beings are complex. Having exceptional talent in one area of life does not guarantee success in other areas of life either. Not at all.

So, it is very important to have these expectations in line with reality. We will still need to make efforts in other areas of life, and can find ourselves in need of correction and improvement.

You mentioned that he thought that he was meant to serve others, yet he was used by some and left. I am not sure; this is just an example. But he may need to understand the difference between being positive and helpful and being naïve.

So, again, he will still have his challenges, face some difficulties, and have to learn to cope with them, aside from the main purpose of life, which is getting closer to Allah through His worship.

What Can He Do?

If he struggles with depression, the best thing you can do is support him in finding assessment and treatment.

It would be good to find the root of his feelings; this will be the first step towards healing.

Is it related to his giftedness or to something else, for example, problems with family, marriage, or work? Or is it rather a problem at a physiological level?

After diagnosis and proper treatment, a good Muslim counselor will be able to provide guidance on how to proceed and make the most out of his talent while helping him cope with certain things that are either the consequences of his giftedness or not.  

Here is another article from our site for additional info: Why Are Some Gifted More Than Others?

May Allah make it easy for him,

Read more:


Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. In no event shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees be held liable for any damages that may arise from your decision in the use of our services.

About Orsolya Ilham O.
Orsolya Ilham has a BA in Communication and Manager in Public Relations, MA, BSC in Psychology. She studied Islamic sciences and obtained certificates in Islamic counseling, Islamic marriage counseling, and in the jurisprudence (fiqh) of counseling and psychology. Previously she worked in a client-centered atmosphere; currently, as a translator, counselor, and content creator related to Islam, counseling, and psychology.