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How to Know What the Plan of Allah Is?

06 June, 2024

As salam alykum, I'm a MBBS doctor, alhamdullillah, and I want to pursue an MD degree in orthopedics. It's been 3 years of constantly studying and giving exams and failing, but not getting the branch of my choice. Seeing my peers get good branches and not being able to help myself, it's taking a toll on my mental health. Alhamdullillah, the only thing helping me is constant prayer. I just wanted to ask: Should I constantly knock on the door or should I give up thinking it is the qadr of Allah?

Jazakala khair


In this counseling answer:

  • This is something only Allah knows. It then comes down to our judgement as to how to perceive the situation and whether it is a sign to give up or whether one should patiently persevere.
  • Perhaps He continues to test you to keep you close to Him or perhaps Allah wants to push you towards something that is actually even better for you. The fact that you continue to turn to Him is certainly the most fruitful way forward.
  • Do continue to pray and trust in His plan.

Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh,

This is the kind of situation that everyone finds themselves in at some point. That is, they are in hot pursuit of something, yet there always seems to be some obstacle to achieving it.

There could be any number of reasons why this is the case, but this is something only Allah knows. It then comes down to our judgement as to how to perceive the situation and whether it is a sign to give up or whether one should patiently persevere.

For 3 years now, you have been pursuing this route but have not yet managed to attain what you are trying to achieve.

Is Allah telling you that this is not for you and you should quit and try something else?

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Or keep going and you will appreciate the rewards of eventually attaining it after having strived so hard?

It is taking its toll on your mental health, understandably so, but, alhamdulilah, constant prayers are helping.

This in itself is a blessing from Allah, as even though it is distressing for you, it is a matter that continues to push you toward Him. Alhamdulilah.

A Test from Allah?

Perhaps He continues to test you to keep you close to Him and will eventually grant you the route that you are so desperately seeking.

The other thing is that perhaps Allah wants to push you towards something that is actually even better for you.

Perhaps there is another branch of medicine that is more suitable for you, and Allah is trying to close this door for you to push you to another avenue that will be better for you, provide better opportunities, and be more rewarding for you in this life and the next.

Alternatively, as you suggest, perhaps this field isn’t for you at all, and Allah is telling you to stop and try something entirely different.

Only Allah knows what this is all about, but the fact that you continue to turn to Him is certainly the most fruitful way forward, whatever the ultimate outcome.

Take Action Yourself

However, since you cannot be sure, you also need to take action yourself.

Do continue to pray, and perhaps give it a certain amount of time that you feel you can tolerate before you eventually make the choice to either pursue a different branch of medicine or try something altogether different.

If it gets to this point, make sure to make your decision and then make istikhara.

If your choice is meant to be, then Allah will facilitate it; if not, then He will continue to put barriers in your way.

Trust in His Plan

However, what you should always do in the meantime is trust in Allah’s plan and be confident that ultimately what He has planned for you is what is best.

It may not feel like it, especially amongst constant seeming failures, but in sha Allah, you’ll get there in the end and look back and say Alhamdulilah for the trials you have endured to reach your end goal.

May Allah reward you for remaining steadfast, and may He continue to give you strength in adversity.

May He grant you the best in this life and the next, and may you and He be content with that.

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About Hannah Morris
Hannah Morris is a mum of 4 and she currently works as Counsellor and Instructor of BSc. Psychology at the Islamic Online University (IOU). She obtained her MA degree in Psychology and has over 10 years of experience working in health and social care settings in the UK, USA, and Ireland. Check out her personal Facebook page, ActiveMindCare, that promotes psychological well-being in the Ummah. (