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as salamu alaykum,


Shokran for writing to our live session.  As I am not an Islamic scholar, I cannot advise you on fatwas.  Please do submit your question to our โ€œAsk the Scholarโ€ section for a complete answer.


I can advise you that as Muslims, we are to treat each other with love, kindness, and mercy.  This is especially so for family and siblings.


AboutIslam states โ€œAdil Salahi, editor of Arab News writes, โ€œA personโ€™s relatives are collectively called in Arabic his Rahim. Linguistically, this word means โ€œwomb.โ€ When it is used to indicate a personโ€™s relatives, it includes all his relatives whether close or distant, heirs or not [โ€ฆ] The Arabic root from which the word rahim is derived indicates mercy and compassion [โ€ฆ] The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:  โ€œAllah says: I am Ar-Rahman (the Most Merciful) and I have created kinship (that is rahim) and given it a name which is derived from My name. He who fosters it I will bless, and he who severs it I will sever.โ€ (At-Tidmidhi)โ€.  I feel that this clearly sums up how a relationship should be between siblings and how siblings should treat each other.  We are to foster good, loving relationships with our โ€œrahimโ€ or siblings.  We are to show mercy and compassion.


Brothers who do not value their sisters and look at them as only their fatherโ€™s responsibility are not fulfilling love and mercy.  As above-Allah says of this โ€œHe who fosters it I will bless, and he who severs it I will severโ€.  If we examine your question from a general adab perspective, the least of this (but very important) is giving the greetings of โ€œas salamu alaykumโ€.  As Muslims we volunteer to help others in need, we give donations to charities, we seek to alleviate the sufferings of others.  If we see a sister (or brother) in need are we not supposed to help them?  Especially if that one is from our own motherโ€™s womb?  If we cannot even do that, then something is gravely wrong.


May Allah grant mercy upon us all and lead us down the right path.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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