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Protect Yourself With These 5 Verses

It is the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad to recite the last three chapters once after every prayer and thrice after fajr and maghrib.

Aisha reported that:

Before sleeping, the Prophet used to blow into his hands, recited the last three chapers and then wipe with his hands over his body. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Who amongst us wants to get protection?


So, first of all, we need to make it a habit to recite these chapters regularly. By doing so you get two benefits: you get protection and you receive the reward of following the Sunnah!

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8 Productivity Lessons from Chapter Al-Falaq

Verse 1: 

Say (qul) I seek refuge (a’oodhu) in (the) Lord (birabbi) of the daybreak (al-falaq)

1. Seek your Safety with Allah

One of the most unproductive ways of dealing with fear, jealousy, attacks from people and illnesses is by seeking protection in other things than Allah.

Never think people or objects can protect you. Realize first and foremost that all the danger and evil around you, day and night, can only be averted by Allah and He uses other people and things to give you protection. So ask Him for protection only. Never fear anything but Him and use the ways of protection He taught you.

2. Study the Beautiful Name of Allah: Rabb

He is the One Who takes care of everything and helps it grow and He brings out the day from the darkness of the night. Symbolically darkness can mean your problems, trials and stress and the daybreak your rescue.

Know that Allah is your Rabb, He was the only One Who could nourish and protect you when you were in the womb and He is still the only One who can nourish and protect you.

3. Reflect on the Sun

He is the Rabb of the daybreak. Reflect on and study about the sun, the source of daylight, its distance from the earth and you will realize the greatness of the Lord of the daybreak!

4. Convey

Allah says ‘Say’, convey this important surah to others and teach others how to use it for protection.

Verse 2 and 3

From (min) (the) evil (sharri) of that which (maa) He created (khalaqa) and from the evil (wa min sharri) (of) darkness (ghaasiqin) when (idhaa) it becomes intense (waqab)

5. Don’t Spend your Free Time with the Devil

At night the time for work is over and people are relatively free. That’s exactly the time when your mind easily becomes corrupted by shaytan; an empty man’s brain is the devil’s workshop.

Most of the indecent TV programs, parties and movies happen when? At night. When you are finished with work or the children are asleep it is very easy to fall into time waste.

You don’t always have to be busy, but a productive Muslim will also spend their ‘free’ time with acts that are not displeasing to Allah. You can watch a lecture, talk to a relative with the intention to strengthen the ties of kinship or relax with your spouse, which is even classified as rewarding! Remember it is all about intention.

6. Don’t Stay Awake Until Late for No Reason

Staying awake late is also evil as it brings you three harms. You might miss fajr, it is harmful for your health and you lose the productivity blessings which are put in morning work.

Allah created the night for us to rest and one of the main causes of depression is staying awake at night, it’s a big productivity killer!

Verse 4 and 5

And from (the) evil (wa min sharri) (of) those who blow (naffathaati) in the knots (fee al ‘uqad) and from the evil (wa min sharri) (of) the envier (haasidin)  when (idhaa)  he envies (hasada).

7. The Best Cure for Magic and Other Evils

The Prophet Muhammad said the evil eye is real. Magic is real. Many Muslims are feeling tired, ill, lazy and completely unproductive because they might suffer from magic or the evil eye. Many people are even scared to visit certain relatives because of it.

This chapter is the best cure for all these problems. Recite it with conviction to protect yourself.  Teach your children from young to recite it before they go to sleep, so it becomes a habit.

8. Ask Protection against Jealousy of Others and Yourself!

A jealous person will either try to destroy your reputation, work, property or hurt you. Pray to Allah that you are never jealous yourself of anyone and that He protects you from those who are jealous of us.

The Prophet said:

Beware of envy because envy consumes (destroys) the virtues just as the fire consumes the firewood. (Abu Dawud)

An extra tip here is to be careful what you share on social media of your private life; your pictures of happy days with family, new car or new clothes.

Be humble with the blessings Allah gave to you. And when you do see the blessings of others ask Allah to give them to you too, but without being jealous.

That way you will feel much more peaceful inside in these times of people competing in belongings, money, careers etc.!


About Khawlah bint Yahya
Khawlah b. Yahya founded SISTERS' PROJECT in 2008, a United Kingdom women's support organization and is a writer for different Islamic organizations and academies. She authored the renown How to Live by the Names of Allah Series, published by the Understand Qur'an Academy, as well as the internationally shared Revive a Sunnah Series. She focuses most of her work on how to translate classic Islamic Knowledge to daily life action. She recently released Personal Lessons from the Qur'an, in which daily life action points are based on Qur’anic ayaat in a way that’s never seen before. You can now purchase the E-book on: