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Tribute to Br. Tarek Ezzat: Inspiring Hearts through Dawah

“To Allah we Belong and To Him we Return” (Al-Baqarah 2:156)

These are the words that the Quran taught us to say in times of calamity and loss.

And what loss could be greater than the departure of a beloved brother and colleague, whose unwavering devotion in ibadah, tireless dedication in dawah, exemplary manners, and extraordinary patience in the face of years of painful illness provided a constant source of inspiration and spiritual nourishment?

📚 Read Also: AboutIslam Mourns Brother Tarek Ezzat

This morning, I was struck by the heartbreaking news of the passing of our dear colleague, Br. Tarek Ezzat, with whom I had the privilege of working for over 10 years. He exemplified the true essence of a devout Muslim, driven by a profound love for Islam and a heartfelt desire to share its beauty with the world.

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Through the website, particularly the Discovering Islam and Ask About Islam pages, Br. Tarek invested immense effort in showcasing the splendor of Islam, addressing inquiries, and dispelling misconceptions. His instrumental role in establishing the Live Chat service touched the lives of over 150 individuals who found Islam and embraced it through the service. May their virtuous deeds be recorded in his book of good deeds.

Despite battling challenging illnesses in the past years, Br. Tarek persisted in his dawah efforts. I vividly recall him bravely struggling to catch his breath during our website meetings, yet always present to offer valuable suggestions for improving the platform and ensuring played its role in spreading the message of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).

Br. Tarek consistently expressed concern for new Muslims and the challenges they faced, striving to support them through valuable content and answers on the website. May Allah accept and abundantly reward his efforts.

As we bid farewell to our dear Br. Tarek and face this profound loss, we pray that this day marks the best day he has ever experienced. May his soul rest in a better place, enveloped in the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. May his prolonged illness serve as purification for all his sins and shortcomings.

Once again, let us remember that truly, to Allah we belong and to Him we return.

May Allah unite us with Br. Tarek in the highest ranks of Paradise, among the prophets, martyrs, and righteous servants of Allah.

About Muhammad Fathi
Muhammad Fathi is the managing editor of the Shari`ah page, and a former Imam and teacher at the Quran Institute of America, MI, USA.