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Dealing with Spiritual Poverty and Robotic Rituals

The sweetness of faith can be intoxicating, giving us emotional highs and tears of pure love. But as we have spiritual highs, we also have spiritual lows. Click to read more…

Live Sessions

‘Ashura – The Story and Lessons

The story and lessons of Prophet Musa (AS) and the 10th day of Muharram (Ashura) are very important for Muslims to learn from. Click here to find out more about this day.

Need Solutions To Haram Relationships? Try These 7 Components

Sometimes, no matter how much we try to keep ourselves from engaging in haram relationships, we often fall victim to this act without realising how it happened. How then can we help ourselves? Check out this video, as Ustadh Ali Hammuda sheds light on 7 solutions that can help keep us away from haram relationships.