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3 Forms of Dhikr That Will Benefit You Through Thick and Thin

When a Muslim says words of Dhikr, there are so many blessings that come with it. Click here to learn from these 3 forms of Dhikr that can benefit us.

Live Sessions

‘Ashura – The Story and Lessons

The story and lessons of Prophet Musa (AS) and the 10th day of Muharram (Ashura) are very important for Muslims to learn from. Click here to find out more about this day.

Ibn Al-Haytham: The Muslim Who Taught Europe Science

Ever heard of the Muslim scientist called Ibn Al-Haytham? He was the “Father of Optics”, and was the first to discover how the eye works and disproved the ancient Greek theory. He also had a great influence on Isaac Newton. Watch this video to discover more about him!