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Finding Redemption in Sincere Love of Allah

Being born with free will, we sometimes have desires that conflict with others, and over time, we begin to realize that securing those needs involves pleasing Allah. Check this post on how to do this!

Live Sessions

Siblings Fighting: Tips to End Rivalry

I have two children, aged 10 and 13. They are good and outside they behave well, but at home they are constantly arguing and bickering with each other.

Scholars of Islam: Story of Imam Malik (R) in 5 Minutes

In this short but interesting video, we bring you some interesting facts about the life of Imam Malik (Ra) whose real name is Abu Abdullah Malik Ibn Anas Ibn Malik Inn Abi-Amir Al-Asbahi. Click this video to find out where he was born and how he came to live his life in Medina!