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What Does Hijab Mean to You? AboutIslam Audience Have Their Say!

Hijab is a journey for sisters in Islam. For some, it is easy to wear and feel comfortable with. For others, it can be a challenge and many have obstacles that they have to overcome. But it is a test for all Muslim women.

I Love Islam from our Facebook page, highlighted how hard it could be to wear in a non-Muslim country. “I find it to be difficult sometimes when you live in a community that have no Muslims or few Muslims Alhamdulilah for everything ya Rabb!”

Nia Rankin from our About Islam Supporting Convert’s group has started to feel a sense of pride identifying as a servant of Allah over time.

“Over time I’ve started to feel a sense of pride in publicly identifying as a servant of Allah and in doing my best to be a good representative in my interactions with Muslims and non-Muslims. I’ve discovered that hijab is not only for us but also it’s a great opportunity to let our Akhlaaq be a form of dawah.

“May Allah bless all of our sisters who are in varying stages of this journey and make it easy for them. Ameen.”

What Does Hijab Mean to You? AboutIslam Audience Have Their Say! - About Islam

Protecting Women

We live in a world that is full of hyper-sexuality, where the perfect woman has to be slim, with a good figure, showing off that figure, hair and her beauty.

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And whilst many believe this is a woman’s choice, if she wishes to do that, Muslim women strongly believe that they are entitled to cover their beauty and body. This should not be demonized by the press as being oppression. On the contrary, just as it is the right for a woman to wear little, it is the right for a woman to cover.

There is something so beautiful about covering one’s body. It empowers the woman to choose who she wants to see her beauty and her body and who she doesn’t. That is not oppression. That is a blessing. Hijab is a blessing.

📚 Read Also: Hijab Made Me Feel Self-Conscious

Hijab makes people know the women behind the veil rather than what her body looks like or how beautiful she is.

At the end of the day, many of our sisters in our audience feel that hijab is a blessing to them and they are proud to wear it.

Karima Foster from our Facebook page feels proud that it identifies her as a Muslim: “I wear my hijab proudly. It identifies who I am as a Muslim.”

📚 Read Also: Before You Judge Your Non-Hijabi Sister…

Maha Azam from our Facebook page states that wearing hijab was her best decision. “Wearing hijab was my best decision.”

These are the opinions of a few Muslim women, but many others will identify with these comments. Hijab is not a sign of a weak, oppressed woman. On the contrary, it is sign of a strong woman, proud that she is a Muslim and proud that she is following the command of Allah.

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This article is from our archive, originally published on an earlier date, and now republished for its importance.

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