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AboutIslam’s Stars of the Year – Vote for Your Star

Celebrities Footballers Muslim PhilanthropistsNon-Muslims

As we look forward to welcoming the new year with lots of wishes, dreams, plans and anticipations, it’s good to look back at the past year and reflect on the good things we witnessed.

That’s why we are inviting you to participate in our competition that highlights Muslim role models who shined during 2017.

Below you’ll find four categories with many candidates under each. Please pick one name from each category and vote with a comment on this post.

Help us give them some well-deserved recognition. Vote for your stars now.

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AboutIslam's Stars of the Year Celebrities
AboutIslam's Stars of the Year - Vote for Your Star - About Islam


AboutIslam's Stars of the Year Footballers
AboutIslam's Stars of the Year - Vote for Your Star - About Islam

Muslim Philanthropists

AboutIslam's Stars of the Year Muslim Philanthropists
AboutIslam's Stars of the Year - Vote for Your Star - About Islam


AboutIslam's Stars of the Year Non-Muslims
AboutIslam's Stars of the Year - Vote for Your Star - About Islam