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Gaza: The Only “Free” Muslim Territory

Honestly, everyone is tired of these reactions issued by Muslim governments, which yield no results whatsoever.

One wonders how they do not get tired of their ineptitudes and failures. As a maxim goes to the effect that insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. 

At any rate, if anybody needed a context to understand the profound meaning of the Prophet’s supplications to Almighty Allah to guard him against the iniquity of cowardice (al-jubn), apathy (al-kasal), and debilitation (al-jazz) – he needs not to look beyond Gaza and how the Muslim world responds to it.

Merely Condemning Israel Isn’t Enough

Everyone knows that neither mere words – however “harsh” – nor condemnations of any kind mean anything to the evil of Israel and its cohorts in the West. They have become immune to any reasonableness and moral accountably.

Having been doing similar things for more than a century – the Britain-sponsored Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917, after which pandemonium was set in motion – theirs is a culture of oppression, history distortion, and bloodshed. Nobody can deny that more is needed to set the record straight in Gaza (in Palestine) and liberate the oppressed.

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Now that the Gaza issue has reached the tipping point, the role of Muslim leaders (governments) will be critical. Without them, extremely little can be done. The scourge of Israel is sophisticatedly institutionalized; hence, dealing with it must be in a manner befitting its character.

The Muslim public has demonstrated, emotionally and to some extent intellectually as well as spiritually, that they are ready to be reborn and led into a better future. They have likewise shown that they have courage and strength of character. A sleeping giant is primed for revival.

Muslim governments, the ball is in your court – the time for meaningful change is now. Make amends for yourselves and those who have come before you, who have continually betrayed Palestine – and the Ummah. The clock is ticking. If not, the aroused Muslim sentiment could potentially be directed against you.

Boycott Inappropriate Values of the West

What can be done, we often wonder. The answer is straightforward: stop the rot by ending enslavement, or servitude, to the West. 

Muslim governments, work on liberating yourselves and your people. It is only you who can legislate adequate reformist policies and implement comprehensive systems of change. 

In a nutshell, abolish the paths and means that lead us to enslavement. Some of the most destructive means and paths, certainly, are Western education at home and abroad, Western media, Western values, and Western pop culture.

The Muslim world has become one of the safest havens for these alien-to-Islam domains, which nevertheless are loaded with infinite hedonistic, nihilistic, and agnostic tendencies.

Muslim governments, there is a lot to do if one wants to do something. We all agree that military confrontations are the last resort.

However, before that, what is needed is the liberation of minds, purification of souls, and establishing of life patterns whereby Muslim inspired identities, value systems, cultures, traditions, and histories are placed on the pedestal. 

In short, save your sons and daughters. If the West through its proxy, Israel, keeps devouring Gaza, it does the same to the rest of us (our minds and souls) through its destructive ideas and inappropriate values which, at the end of the day, we willingly keep importing and consuming. Work on boycotting these and save, to some extent, your face.  

To be continued…

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About Dr. Spahic Omer
Dr. Spahic Omer, an award-winning author, is an Associate Professor at the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He studied in Bosnia, Egypt and Malaysia. In the year 2000, he obtained his PhD from the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur in the field of Islamic history and civilization. His research interests cover Islamic history, culture and civilization, as well as the history and theory of Islamic built environment. He can be reached at: [email protected].