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Ramadan 2022: Philadelphia Food Bank to Offer 6000 Iftar Meals

As Muslims anticipates Ramadan, the holy fasting month is about sharing, caring for the other, and getting closer to Allah.

A few days before the arrival of holy month of fasting, a Philadelphia food bank is teaming up with elected leaders to distribute 6000 meals to those in need.

For the second year in a row, Philabundance will work to provide 200 meals to families each evening during Ramadan.

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“During the Month of Ramadan, we are encouraged not only to abstain from eating during the daylight, but also to make sure that others have the opportunity to eat when they need to,” State Senator Sharif Street said, WHYY reported.

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“Traditionally speaking, at the breaking of fast, called Iftars, anyone and everyone is welcome.”

Senator Street kicked off the 2022 Driving Hunger Away During Ramadan campaign on Wednesday along with Aakariyya Abdur-Rahman, Muslim Business Association; James Blacklege, Dedicated Senior Medical Center; staff from the Office of Councilmember Curtis Jones, Jr.; Desaree Jones, Aetna; Commissioner Omar Sabir; and Ward Leader El Amor Brawne Ali.

Food Insecurity

Participating in the effort, Philadelphia City Commissioner Omar Sabir lamented that around 200,000 Philadelphians are food insecure.

“They’re not necessarily in poverty, but they’re right above the poverty line. So they don’t eat every night, they don’t eat the type of meals that you deserve,” he said.

Loree Jones, who heads up Philabundance, added that they are making sure the meals are more than just something to eat.

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“We’re really prioritizing providing nutritious food to people. People traditionally at food banks don’t always do that, we’re highlighting providing nutritious food,” Jones said. “The second element of that is providing culturally appropriate food.”

Community members can pick up their meals at a different site over 30 days – locations including housing developments, recreation centers, community and cultural centers, medical facilities, and more.

Ramadan is the holiest month in Islamic calendar. It is expected to start this year on Saturday, April 2.

In Ramadan, adult Muslims, save the sick and those traveling, abstain from food, drink, smoking and sex between dawn and sunset.

Muslims dedicate their time during the holy month to become closer to Allah through prayer, self-restraint, and good deeds.

📚 Read Also: Imams Anticipating Ramadan.. Read Their Ramadan Tips