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New Jersey Soup Kitchen Serves Free Meals to Needy (In Pictures)

Members of a local New Jersey Muslim group have volunteered to deliver tens of free Thanksgiving meals to the needy, making sure no one goes hungry at this time of pandemic.

Located in Plainfield, NJ, the Muslim Community Soup Kitchen served more than 80 free meals on Saturday at Masjidullah Plainfield, Tap into Plainfield reported.

The event is not the first for the group which is accustomed to serving free food to the needy every Saturday. Meals usually include fresh fruits, chicken, fish, and salads.

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This week, the meals included homemade foods like seafood and potato salads, and dessert donations from Costco.

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The Muslim Community Soup Kitchen is a charitable Islamic religious organization. It is an affiliate of Masjidullah, Inc.

Thanksgiving is a celebration observed on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. The celebration is about giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year.

Though it started as a Christian tradition, the celebration has become a cultural holiday observed by people of all faiths.

A pillar of Islam, Zakat or charity is a religious obligation for all Muslims who meet a criteria of wealth. It’s a mandatory charitable contribution, the right of the poor to find relief from the rich.

In addition to the obligatory Zakah, Islamic Shari’ah also encourages giving in optional charity, called Sadaqah.