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Montreal Businesses Host Bazaar to Prepare for Ramadan

A few days before the start of the fasting month, Montreal preparations for the holy month are in full swing as businesses gathered in the Ramadan bazaar on Saturday, March 18.

Organized by Azzdah Events, the Ramadan Bazaar at Karnak Shriners in Dollard-des-Ormeaux aimed to support local businesses in the city of Montreal.

📚 Read Also: Ramadan, It’s Not Just about Fasting!

“We’re creating a platform where people can buy things for Ramadan and get ready for it,” said Amber Yunus, the bazaar co-owner with her sister Amel, told City News.

“So there’s desserts, clothes, jewelry, everything that people would need to get ready for this festival.

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“We need different types of foods. We need clothes, we need jewelry that we will use for the time of Eid, just like Christmas. It’s a time of festive occasion for us. And we do prepare in advance for the month of Ramadan.”


Saturday’s one-day bazaar included 27 vendors offering clothes, jewelry, Islamic home décor and homecooked meals.

“In Ramadan, the biggest thing is we break the fast with food,” said Amber.

“So we have packaged foods that people can buy here today. We have desserts like macaroons. We have dates, dates to some of the most important things for Ramadan. We break our fast with dates.”

The sisters behind Azzdah Events are hosting another Ramadan bazaar on April 1.

Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. The blessed month of Ramadan will start on Thursday, March 23, according to the astronomical calculations.

In Ramadan, adult Muslims, save the sick and those traveling, abstain from food, drink, smoking and sex between dawn and sunset.

Muslims dedicate their time during the holy month to be closer to Allah through prayers, self-restraint, and good deeds.