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From Historical Waqf to Modern Endowment: Dr. Lamia Ben Jamaa’s Legacy

Dr Lamia Ben Jamaa Endowment

Today, the spirit of waqf continues to inspire. The Dr. Lamia Ben Jamaa Endowment is a testament to this enduring tradition. Dr. Lamia, a woman of faith, wisdom, and generosity, dedicated her life to developing Islamic education in Canada.

Dr. Lamia Ben Jemaa’s remarkable journey and her enduring legacy are a testament to the profound impact one individual can have on their community.

Arriving in Canada from Tunisia in 1986 at the age of 18, she was among the select few awarded the prestigious scholarship from the Canadian International Development Agency’s (CIDA) Technology Transfer program.

This opportunity, reserved for only 30 outstanding students from Tunisia, marked the beginning of Dr. Ben Jemaa’s distinguished academic career. Dr. Lamia earned both her Master’s and PhD in Electrical Engineering with distinction from the University of Toronto.

Her academic achievements paved the way for a career as a Professor at Seneca College, where she inspired countless students with her passion for engineering and innovation.

However, Dr. Ben Jemaa’s contributions extended far beyond the realms of academia. With a heart firmly rooted in her community, she dedicated 35 years to nurturing and developing the Muslim community in Canada. Her efforts were wide-ranging and impactful, with a particular emphasis on community development, women’s empowerment, and the advancement of education.

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From Historical Waqf to Modern Endowment: Dr. Lamia Ben Jamaa's Legacy - About Islam

High Quality Islamic Education

As the Chairperson of the Managing Board at Olive Grove School and the Manager of Muslim Association of Canada Al-Huda Schools, Dr. Ben Jemaa was at the forefront of Islamic education in Canada.

Her vision was clear – to provide high-quality Islamic education that was accessible and enriching for children across the country.

Through her tireless volunteer work and leadership, she played an important role in ensuring that thousands of children received an education that was not only academically rigorous but also deeply rooted in Islamic values and teachings.

After a long courageous battle with cancer and passing away on September 27, 2023, she donated a substantial part of her estate to establish an endowment fund supporting Muslims seeking education, to be distributed by the Muslim Association of Canada.

In doing so, she has laid the foundation for a sadaqa jariya, an ongoing charity that will, Inshallah, continue to benefit the ummah long after her time.

Managed in accordance with Shariah principles, the endowment fund will support education, nurturing not only future Islamic scholars but also supporting Muslims in Canada in pursuit of knowledge.

This initiative not only honors the rich history of waqf in Islamic education but also adapts its principles to meet the needs of the contemporary Muslim community.

The Dr. Lamia Ben Jamaa Endowment is a bridge between the illustrious past of Islamic scholarship and its promising future. By supporting this endowment, we participate in a legacy of knowledge and generosity that has the power to shape the minds and souls of future generations.

In embracing the tradition of waqf, Dr. Lamia has reaffirmed the Islamic tradition that the pursuit of knowledge is a communal obligation, one that enriches not just individuals but the entire ummah.

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About Mohammed M'hiri
Mohammed M'hiri is an articling student with a strong commitment to community and youth engagement having worked with various organizations across the GTA. He currently advises the University of Toronto's Muslim Students' Association (MSA), where he was an executive. He is the eldest son of Dr. Lamia Benjamaa.