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Celebrating Muslims, Santa Clara Recognizes August as “Appreciation Month”

  • The city praised the contributions of more than 60,000 Muslims that live in the County
  • The Muslim Community Association (MCA) and other organizations were recognized for their programs

Over the past eight years, California has celebrated August as Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month, honoring generations of Muslim Americans for their many social, cultural, and economic contributions.

On Tuesday, the city of Santa Clara, California, commemorated the 8th anniversary with a proclamation designating August 2023 as American Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month, a statement by the Council on American Islamic Relations read.   

📚 Read Also: California Commemorates Muslim Appreciation Month

“American Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month embodies the spirit of inclusion and dialogue and underscores the remarkable impact that diverse cultures and beliefs have on our local community, state, and nation,” said Samer Darwish, President of the Muslim Community Association (MCA).

“By promoting understanding and awareness, we pave the way for a future built on unity, cooperation, empathy, and mutual respect. The Muslim community sincerely appreciates the recognition given this month by Santa Clara and the state.”

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In its proclamation, the city celebrated the contributions of the more than 60,000 Muslims that live in Santa Clara County, praising the MCA for its school, counseling, senior, and community wellness programs.

It also recognized efforts by the Muslim American Society Bay Area Chapter, the San Francisco Bay Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA), and the Support Life Foundation.

“CAIR-SFBA deeply appreciates the continued recognition of the diverse and invaluable achievements of American Muslims, whose dedication and contributions continue to shape the city of Santa Clara, California, and the nation,” CAIR-SFBA Executive Director Zahra Billoo said

“This proclamation helps to highlight our shared values and humanity and is a welcome acknowledgment.” 

The California State Assembly first recognized August as “Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month” in 2016.

Bill Quirk, a California Assembly member, first introduced resolution HR-59 in June 2016 after an activist approached him on the issue.

That is not the first time California has designated a month to recognize the contributions of the Muslim-American community.