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Canadian Muslim Creates Ramadan Guide on Social Media

A Canadian Muslim woman is using social media to spread kindness during the holy month of Ramadan and help Muslims celebrate it through Facebook and Instagram’s #MonthOfGood campaign.

“The #MonthOfGood is an initiative Facebook started, and basically, it’s to celebrate the month of Ramadan, which is the holiest month of the year for Muslims,” Montreal-based social media creator Sara Sabry told Yahoo News.

“The idea is just to spread goodness around and do acts of charity, or just be nice to your neighbors, whatever it is. It’s just honestly a month of spreading good, as the name says.”

📚 Read Also: This Ramadan Learn How to Win Allah’s Love

Canadian Muslim Creates Ramadan Guide on Social Media - About Islam

The Egyptian-Canadian has teamed up with Instagram to create The Ultimate Guide to Ramadan. It will help people understand the Muslim holy month.

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“We’ve been really starting this conversation on Facebook platforms and stuff like that, encouraging people to do small acts of good,” Sabry explains.

“It could be something like treating someone to iftar, which is the break of fast, or it could be something like giving an extra tip to a delivery person. Especially with the pandemic, we have to get creative to do acts of kindness without really being face-to-face.”

Educating Others

Growing up in Canada, Sabry used to meet people who were not familiar with the fasting month. She is working to change this.

“Ramadan is the month that Muslims fast from basically dusk till dawn, and they fast from food and water, she says.

“It’s a time of virtual connectedness, it’s a time of detox, and kind of soul purification in a way. So it’s kind of like that one month a year that Muslims really look forward to.”

Canadian Muslim Creates Ramadan Guide on Social Media - About Islam

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Hijri Islamic calendar. It commemorates the first revelation of the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad.

From dawn until sunset, Muslims refrain from food, drinking liquids, smoking, and engaging in sexual relations).