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Canadian Camp Welcomes Syrian Kids for Free

CALGARY – Introducing Syrian refugee children to Canada’s favorite summer pastimes, a Calgary Muslim organization is sponsoring a summer camp to teach the kids survival skills and self-confidence, as well as help them integrate into Canadian culture.

“Camping is a Canadian culture, a Canadian custom,” Khaled Chaabani, board member and camp volunteer at the Muslim Families Network Society (MFNS), told CBC on Wednesday, August 31.

“It’s a good way to help them to learn how to live the Canadian way in a healthy environment.”

The organization is the sponsor of Camp Kindle which welcomes Syrian refugees and underprivileged children for free.

Lasting for four days and three nights, children exercise team-building, problem-solving and outdoor activities.

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Between fun of climbing walls, moving on ziplines, ropes courses, archery and water sports, the kids are fed halal meals and observe all five daily prayer times.

Chaabani said he was encouraged to see kids from Syria, Iraq, Sudan and other countries playing together and talking about their difficult past experiences.

“I was happy that they were able to open up, and that they felt this was a good environment, a safe environment,” he said.

The camp organizers consider language and cultural integration as the two biggest challenges facing this population.

Yet, Chaabani said he’s optimistic they’ll make a smooth transition.

“They are sharp kids. They went through a lot, and when you go through that struggling, you gain some skills that you don’t gain when you think you’re comfortable.”

No Tech

The camp has a strict ban on cell phones, cameras, computers and video games, giving the kids ample time to get to know each other.

“A lot of times, kids these days, they’re so plugged in. They are so glued to their screens and stuff like that. We are one of the last places without cellphone reception, and we sell that,” said camp coordinator Wes Aitken.

“They get to get back to what’s important, getting into nature with people and connecting at a real level.”

Mohamad al Said, a s grade- 10 student this year,agreed that learning English has been tough, but he said he likes it here.

“I like Canada. You know why? Because people in Canada are very nice, respectful,” al Said said.

Nasrin Ali, also one of the campers and originally from Sudan, said she’s already made some friends in the camp.

“It’s nice that there’s no technology or anything. That gives us the opportunity to talk to each other,” Ali said.

“It’s been fun making new friends.”