After a weekend of connecting hearts and minds to build the future, the 4th African American Islamic summit concluded on Sunday, amid hopes of coming back in the coming years.
The event hosted by Masjid Muhammad of Atlantic City, New Jersey, was attended by a galaxy of Muslim scholars who discussed spirituality in the Black American Muslims and ways to build the future.
Many of the event’s sessions were live-streamed by imam Na’eem Abdullah on his Facebook page.
📚 Read Also: African American Islamic Summit: “A Covenant of Hearts”

The streamed sessions were praised by many audience for tackling important topics for the Muslim community.
“Thank you for making it possible to share on the observance of the Summit’s events… I am eternally grateful. It would have been a great loss if I had missed all of the lessons that I have learned during the Summit’s presentations,” Joann Thomas wrote.
“Alhamdullah for Brother Imam Naeem and Sister Samirah Abdullah for keeping us connected. I really am honored to be a part of the online group. May Allah Ta’ala continue to bless you all,” Fatima Muhammad added.
Nabila Ahmad also wrote, “Alhandulillah !! 💜This was such a beautiful and very beneficial event. 🌷May Allah reward our Imams and sister speakers. Amin !…Tears of joy.”

The summit was held as the US marks the Black History Month (BHM), an annual program originating from 1926.
During BHM, Black American Muslims engage in numerous events and campaigns to celebrate the legacies and traditions comprising the African American culture, in which they are intrinsically interwoven.