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German Mosque Vandalized, Door Bricked Up

BERLIN – In a fresh Islamophobic attacks, Muslims in the northeastern German state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania were shocked after discovering the front door of their mosque blocked with concrete bricks and hate flyers.

“What’s next?” Dirk Flörke, the mayor of Parchim, told the local Parchimer Zeitung newspaper, The Telegraph reported on Tuesday, August 30.

“Integration can only succeed if we all talk to each other. And we are now faced with the task of integrating the refugees.”

Gathering for Friday prayer, Muslim worshippers were taken by exteme shock to discover that the entrance of their local mosque in the town of Parchim had been blocked with concrete bricks.

The blocks had flyers stuck up with anti-Muslim slogans.

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“You call yourselves believers. We call you invaders,” one of the flyers read.

The incident has left Parchim’s tiny Muslim community, around 150 in the town of 19,000 people, badly shaken with fear and discomfort

The community is so small it does not have a purpose-built mosque, but holds its prayers in a disused transformer station.

There is no minaret, and no call to prayer or adhan. The makeshift mosque was under renovation at the time of the incident.

Parchim lies in the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, which has a history of far-right activism.

A criminal probe has been launched on two counts, including vandalism and the incitement of hatred, German broadcaster NDR reported.

By the time the police arrived at the scene, the wall reportedly had already been dismantled, Russia Today reported.

However, activists from a local pro-refugee center were quick enough to capture and post a photo of what had been done to the mosque entrance on Facebook.

The state is due to hold regional elections at the weekend, with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) is now neck-and-neck with Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) in the polls.

Removing the blocks, someone put up a new flyer to answer the ones left by those who had blocked the door.

“Walls are there to be torn down,” it read. “Never give up hope. Be strong and stay happy.”