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Birmingham Mosques Hand Out 1000 Food Parcels to Needy

With increasing energy bills, winter months have become a challenge to many families forced to choose between food and warmth.

To help families survive winter, two local mosque in Birmingham have helped vulnerable families by distributing 1000 food parcels to the needy.

Vulnerable families received the parcels on January 21-22 from the charity service run by Masjid Al Falaah in Handsworth and Green Lane Masjid in Small Heath.

📚 Read Also: Islamic Relief Helps 500 Families in Newham

“It is disheartening to see poverty on your doorstep but we are at an advantage to be able to support,” Muhammad Ali, from Green Lane Masjid, said, I am Birmingham reported.

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Ali noted that the impact of rising energy bills is one of the main factors which is forcing people to seek aid, adding that over the past 15 months there has been a 60% rise in the number of people using the food bank service offered by the mosque.

“The energy price rise is now forcing people to choose between eating and heating,” Adil Parkar, general secretary of Masjid Al Falaah, said.

“Our efforts with the food parcels will hopefully answer that conundrum for some of the families.”

Birmingham Mosques Hand Out 1000 Food Parcels to Needy - About Islam

Eating or Heating

The mosques effort has been welcomed by many users who said they were struggling to make ends meet.

“I’m a widow, with three children, and we live in Small Heath. This winter has been really tough on us,” said a service user at Green Lane Masjid, who does not wish to be named.

“It’s such a massive struggle to pay the gas and electric bills. There’s hardly any money left over for food. Without the help of Green Lane Masjid I’d have to switch off the heating and use the money to buy groceries.

“I just want to thank the staff at the food bank. They never judge you. The people at Green Lane Masjid are friendly and kind, and will even chat with you to make you feel comfortable.

“They really make you feel like you’re a part of the community. It gives me strength.”

British Muslims usually lead similar efforts to help the homeless during winter.

In January 2021, several Muslim organizations in Birmingham kicked off “Our Masjids with the Homeless” initiative to help the homeless. The groups include Al-Suffa Institute and the Great Barr Muslim Foundation.

Different mosques also welcome the homeless to their shelters during the winter season.

For example, the Green Lane Masjid and Community Centre (GLMCC) in Birmingham, opened its doors to shelter homeless last year.