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Birmingham Mosque Wins Beacon Best Future Design Award

Hundreds of Muslims gathered at the 6th Annual British Beacon Mosque Awards 2023 on Saturday, November 25, to celebrate successful mosques, madrasahs, imams, scholars and volunteers.

“Over 500 Mosque leaders, imams, alimahs, volunteers and groups together from across the UK celebrating the excellent work being delivered by Mosques,” Beacon Mosque wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

📚 Read Also:  Liverpool Mosque Wins 2021 Award for Community Outreach

During the ceremony, a local mosque in Birmingham won a prestigious national award for the plans for its future building.

The new building for Al-Abbas Islamic Center (KSIMC of Birmingham) will accommodate 270 people praying or 350 people comfortably sitting.

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Easton Jamia Mosque, the largest mosque in Bristol, also received the Beacon Mosque Award for the Best Sisters Facility in UK.

📚 Read Also:  Rochdale Islamic School Wins 2021 Best Youth Service Award

The Beacon Mosque initiative and the British Beacon Mosque Awards were established in 2018 following a decade long process of research and development.

In 2019, the Mosque Expo was launched as an annual event, dedicated to the leadership of mosques, madrassahs and Islamic educational institutes across the UK and beyond.

Held in Greater Manchester this year, the event is expected to draw more than 1000 attendees.