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Muslims in Memphis Month Kicks Off

MEMPHIS – Muslims in Memphis month kicked off on Saturday, March 4, inviting neighbors to know about the faith during a month-long of activities.

“There are a lot of misconceptions about what Islam may be, you know what it may represent,” Wali Shaheed, Associate imam, told Local Memphis on Saturday.

“So we want to clarify that by letting individuals see the real practitioners of the faith and the practitioners giving back.”

The festivities began with the Star-Spangled Banner and an opening ceremony followed by the Taste of Islam International Food Festival at the first mosque built in Memphis.

Other events this month include, among other things, Islamic Heritage Night with the Grizzlies on March 11, a health fair on March 18, and a hunger relief campaign on March 19.

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Former Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton made the “Muslims in Memphis” designation in 2001.