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Success Story:

New Center for Latino Muslims in Houston, Texas

Islam in Spanish

Latino Muslims in the United States are one of the fast growing Muslim communities in the country.

Their exact number is not known with precision, but some estimates put it close to 200,000 people.

This short three part documentary is about a new success story for Muslims in America with the establishment of a new center for Latino Muslims in Houston, Texas.

The center, Islam in Spanish, was founded by Mujahid Fletcher, a Latino convert to Islam, and offers many services to the growing local community, in a town where around 44% of its population are of Latino origins.

The Center’s grand opening is due today, Saturday 30 January 2016, in Houston.

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It is an important initiative to provide new Latino converts to Islam with the support they need. On average they have one new person taking Shahadah each week who later returns to the center, often on a weekly basis, to learn more about Islam from its authentic sources, The Qur’an and Sunnah, with high quality materials available in the Spanish language.

In addition to Sunday classes on Islam, the center has regular social events, like potlucks where each member of the community shares their traditional dish, from all over Latin America. These types of events bring families together, where they get to know fellow Muslims in the community, and discover the diversity of the wider Latino Muslim family.

Islam in Spanish is the door to the Latino culture in Houston. All members of the community had this dream to have their own place where they can feel at home, and now the dream has come true, Al-Hamdulel-Allah.

This is a positive success story of Muslims in America which inspires Muslims in other cities around the world, especially in America and Europe, to bring the Muslim community together, to support new Muslims and to learn and grow as Muslims together.

Watch also Part 1 & Part 2 of this excellent documentary, and share with your friends.