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Does Islam Permit Cosmetic Surgery?

Does Islam permit cosmetic surgery? Is there certain criteria that allows us to have specific procedures done? This is an area that we have to be very careful about.

Shaytan swore that he would make us change the creation of Allah in the Quran 4:119. Everyone has some subjective idea of beauty and that is the major problem here. The level of subjectivity creates a real insecurity and a real risk of us being swayed by powerful voices and movements.

People who have very low self-esteem can really start to believe these influencers on social media should be copied. These people shouldn’t influence us at all. We should follow what the Quran and Sunnah say.

In general we know that Islam teaches us not to be obsessed with physical beauty. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told us that Allah doesn’t look at our faces but what is in our hearts. This does not mean we can’t make ourselves look good.

At the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) women liked to space their teeth. This was a procedure that our Prophet (PBUH) prohibited. We do have certain things that are allowed and certain things that aren’t. We have to be careful not to get obsessed with our appearance to the extent we wish to change it.

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