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marriage proposal


I received a marriage proposal from a person who works in the engineering administration department of a bank that specializes in building apartments and luxury buildings. Should I accept or refuse?


You need not reject the proposal for his work is not haram. He is doing work related to his expertise. The fact he is associated with a bank should not lead us to make such a judgment. For, in this time and age, it is hard to find an area of work that is wholly free of all taints of haram. Since Allah is Merciful, he does not burden us with tasks beyond our capacity or endurance.

According to jurisprudence rules, in cases where one’s income is tainted with haram, one should strive to purify the same through Istighfaar and voluntary charities.

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Almighty Allah Knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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