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Can i reconcile after khula


I have taken khula from my husband on 20th June due to his continuous ferocious behavior and domestic violence. My one month idda’h period has also finished. Now few relatives of my ex-husband family wants the reconciliation due to the kids involved. and they want me to keep living at my parent’s house after reconciliation and everything will happen in future as per my wish according to those relatives of my ex-husband. I know the in and out of my ex-husband. He will never change. But if reconciliation happens by any means so can i live by my terms or not? Because as far as i know, it is the duty of wife to keep her husband happy and i know, his happiness lies in giving me a dreadful life. My ex-husband doesn’t work at all and don’t let me work too. He is addicted to many other things too, but he always quote Islam when it comes to my duties, but never follows Islam himself. Though i tried to fulfill all my duties of wife previously as well, as per Islam. But still, he never become happy and always used to beat me on petty issues and used to doubt on my character due to his personality trait, and use foul language about me, my parents, my grand parents etc. So, in front of all this, what do you suggest me? if i have to reconcile for the sake of kids, so will I be held accountable in the court of ALLAH, for living on my own terms separately from my husband even being in his nikah due to his family pressure of reconciliation? Waiting for the kind guidance in the light of Islam.


You don’t have to tolerate the abuse of your husband. So, you have the right to choose to divorce him.

If, however, you have been given assurance by the parties who are trying to settle the dispute between you and your husband and they have suggested the formula that you would be living on your terms away from him for the sake of your children, there is nothing wrong if you choose to accept that as long as you still maintain conjugal relations.

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I would advise you to turn to Allah for solace and comfort through dhikr and recitation of the Quran. And never give up praying to Allah to change the heart of your husband so that he realizes the enormity of sins he is committing. People can change, with the help of Allah if they can motivate themselves.

I pray to Allah to bring you relief and comfort.

 Allah Almighty knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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