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Can women decide not to get married?

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving


All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad.


Islam has exhorted its followers to marry in order to achieve sublime goals for the benefit of both individuals and the ummah. Muslim scholars thus declared the prohibition of removing genitals to end one’s desires. One may choose, however, to live as a virgin provided that one has control over his/her sexual desire and thus commits no sin. If one has strong sexual desire and fears to commit zina or masturbation, one has to marry to satisfy this desire in a legitimate way.

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The Quran has set Marry, the Virgin, as an example for believers because of her chastity and devoutness “Moreover, there is Mary,  daughter of Imran, who [estimably] safeguarded her chastity.  Then We breathed into her [womb] of Our [life-giving] spirit. For she confirmed the [revealed] words of her Lord and His [Heavenly] Books. Indeed, she was ever of those who are devoutly obedient.” (At-Tahrim 66:12)

So, you may take Lady Mary as your role model and follow her example to meet her in the Paradise. But you may not undergo clitorodectomy to abstain from marriage.


Almighty Allah knows best.


Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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