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Two Questions

1. Sexual intercourse and getting pregnant out of wedlock is a grave sin for which you will have to account before Allah. As a believer, that ought to be your real worry. As for the pangs of childbirth, it can be a blessing only if you have repented of your sin and changed your life around. Otherwise, the suffering will only be an advance punishment for you in this world, and that which awaits you in the next world might be even graver. So, I would urge you to hasten to repent and seek forgiveness. For details on repentance, let me cite here from one of my earlier answers:

“While speaking of repentance, I must rush to add, that it cannot be considered as valid unless one takes the following steps:


Firstly, one must feel deep remorse for the sins one has committed.


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Secondly, one must refrain from it totally while also abstaining from all those leads or circumstances that led him to such a sin in the first place.


Thirdly, he must be firmly resolved never to sin again, and immediately becoming occupied in whatever good deeds that he can in order to wipe out his past sins.


Fourthly, all of the above involve sins involving the rights of Allah; if, however, your sins involve the rights of human beings, then you must also do whatever it takes to return or compensate or redress the grievances of the person you have wronged. Paying him his dues or compensating him in whatever ways possible becomes an essential condition of valid repentance.


Repentance, as stated above once accomplished, will undoubtedly wipe out one’s sins, and guarantee him a clean record. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “One who has repented of a sin (sincerely) is like one who has never sinned at all.””

As for the child born out of wedlock, he or she is not tainted by the sin of fornication or adultery. In Islam, each person is responsible for his or her actions.


1. An individual who is thinking of another woman during sexual intimacy with his wife is committing a grave sin; it is akin to committing adultery, for contemplating zina is also considered a form of zina. As Imam Ash-Shafi`i says the intention is the act of mind which is more important than actions of limbs. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Actions are judged according to intentions.”

Therefore, a person who is relating to his wife while imagining of another is as guilty as someone committing actual zina.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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