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Questions about Fiqh (Live Fatwa Session)

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

Thank you very much for joining us in this Fatwa session. We would also like to thank our guest, Imam Mustafa Umar, for answering the questions directed to him. You will find the answers to your questions below. 


I am a medical doctor and have been sick because of illness for many years due to which I started to do online teaching. I teach medical sciences in which I am talking basically about how different parts of the body work. I sometimes feel intense guilt that while I am talking about the creation of Allah (swt) I don’t mention Him, I feel like a hypocrite/mushrik/kafir at times for this.

My students are non-Muslim and if I start to talk about religious things it would look like a religious lecture. I suffer from severe waswasa, i wanted to know is it wrong to teach science while not talking about the Creator. I can teach very well but all this is making me hopeless.

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May Allah cure you and make this illness a purification for you.

I think you should at least say general things like “This organ was created/made for a specific purpose.” That is enough for you to appreciate the Creator without turning it into a religious lecture.

Also, if you suffer from severe waswasa, you should see a professional therapist, there may be other issues underlying that.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Can you pray salah if your period lasts for more than a month

I have a problem with prolonged periods due to much hormones and sometimes my periods last for more than months and so my question is: can I pray Salas if my period is really long and the doctors don’t know how to stop them?


Yes, you cannot pray when you have your normal period but when you have abnormal bleeding you must pray. If your period lasts very long, then the first part of it is your normal period and any excess is abnormal where you should resume praying.

Scholars differ on the details but you can estimate the duration of your normal period, let’s assume 7 days, and anything after that is abnormal, so you continue praying after those 7 days.

For you it might be 5 or 9 days, whatever it is, try to figure out what your normal period is and resume praying once that is done.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Why are women always deprived of everything even in paradise? While a man is given 100s if not 1000s of wives just for him, a woman is not allowed to have one husband who she does not share. and since a man is given 1000s of wives she will not have much times with him. For example, if she desires to spend most of her time with him. She is denied this, as he will have 1000s of other women, which means she will see him once in a blue moon


It is important to not confuse Jannah with things in this world. Your desires will be pure, there will be no jealousy, no anger, no sadness. Allah did not explain in detail what type of men women will get in Paradise but they will get palaces, gardens, fruits, etc.

Since men are more attracted to women than vice versa, Allah described to people what will motivate them to go to Paradise. So rest assured, whatever Allah will give you in Paradise, you will be more than happy with it.

Almighty Allah knows best.


What is the severiy when a boy (11) peeking into a 2 yr old female toddler and removing diaper to see private parts?

What are parents responsible for doing?

Its a one time event. If the boy doesn’t know that the parents know he did this, what are parents responsible for doing? Are they entitled to disown the kid?

For example rather than have a talk and explain that they know he did this, they wait 10 years and keep it a secret to see what would happen because they think the kid is going to turn into a molestor or rapist


It seems that there was a specific incident that happened between you and your parents and it has turned into a serious issue. I suggest you and your parents go to a counselor or wise person to deal with this issue in detail. Parents should not disown their children.

Almighty Allah knows best.


What are the restrictions if edda for a stay at home woman and a working class woman?


There are two types of iddah: upon death and upon divorce. I do not have more details about your situation but if a woman needs to work to earn her livelihood, she is allowed to go out to do that.

Almighty Allah knows best.


if a man wants one wife and no hoors in jannah will he revive that? or is that transgression and will he have to get 2 wives?


It is not wrong to want that. Allah will give people whatever they want in Paradise. However, the desires they have in this world may change in the next life because they will be more pure. So I advise that you focus on getting to Paradise and knowing that Allah will give you whatever you want at that time, and you will be happy.

Almighty Allah knows best.


I will try to keep it as short as possible. Please don’t stop reading. I have disgusting sins in my past which include inappropriately touching my sisters, I have shared pictures of my haram relationship partners on various platforms and spoken about them. Problems began when recently I found a girl I really made dua to Allah for and we are planning to marry. I used her pictures on Reddit, bumble and once I sent a cropped one on WhatsApp to someone to ask about her clothing. I told her about bumble and she didn’t ask any questions alhumdulilah which saves me from shame since I did it a few times and the pictures weren’t decent and also had her face. On Reddit she had once allowed me to share a cropped indecent picture, however I even shared others for getting a sick arousal and deleted them in few minutes. I have shared her cropped nudes and spoken about it to strangers. I have shared her normal pictures along with other girls normal pictures asking strangers who would they choose while th said things about her. I am ashamed of my actions and I know I will never ever go back to them. I once made her repeat after me to see if she forgives and she said the following- I forgive you for what you did on bumble and Reddit, I don’t want to know details, I trust you. I got happy that day and then thinking began later which reminded me of WhatsApp one time sending cropped picture. So again once I generally asked for her forgiveness by saying I’m sorry for using your pictures for my lust. Once again I kept thinking and said I’d be happy if you say I forgive you for what i know or what I don’t to which the person replied I love you. I know this might look like a drama but I genuinely all the time think about this. I approach local imam a few times and people have started asking questions. He said once you make tawba you should believe you’re forgiven. He even said things should get better now since she’s forgiven you. It all began with overthinking. A sheikh advised me to not tell her anything and I ended up telling her about bumble, local imam said cover up with a lie which I did, now she’s aware of truth since again I said the truth. She’s forgiven me but I think she doesn’t know details, or I think what if someone’s saved her pictures, I feel how could I do this with her. I genuinely need a way out please guide me.


You have disclosed enough information to her and do not need to do any more. Keep asking Allah for forgiveness regularly and leave these actions and thoughts in the past. Make sure to never, ever do it again. If you keep falling into sins like this, it may mean you are addicted and need to get professional help from a psychologist. May Allah protect you.

Almighty Allah knows best.


I know two people who have been in a fight for a very long time. However i do not know the whole story but as far as i know the person who did most of the wrong is happy in his life however the other person is struggling. Why it is like that?


People may have some temporary happiness in this life. Often, that happiness is quite shallow. Nonetheless, what matters the most is having happiness in the Afterlife, and they will only get that if they do what is right. Don’t let these things bother you: Allah is Just and will take care of all this.

Almighty Allah knows best.


I live in Texas…I recently met a Muslim woman who is going through a divorce. She has been Islamicly divorced for more than a year but is still married in the state waiting for her trial to begin. I would like her to meet my mother, but my mother is saying that it doesn’t matter is she Islamicly divorced because she is still married in the state. I believe that if she is Islamicly divorced than my mother should be open to meeting her. What is correct according to Islam?

Should we wait to perform Nikkah?


Yes, you are correct. She should be allowed to meet your mother and discuss potential marriage. This is also allowed according to the law of the land. There is no prohibition to consider or discuss marriage with another person while a long divorce lawsuit is going on. In fact, many people have relationships outside of marriage with others during their long divorce process, and this is not against the law either. However, before considering doing any nikah, you must consult with your local scholar about how that should be done, because being legally married to one person but Islamically in a “nikah” with another can result in problems.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Can I marry a woman after she repent for engaging in zina at age of 16 and got pregnant with a girl who is now 16 years old? The man who got her pregnant at that time abandoned her with the pregnancy (the child is 16-yr-old now) and has never looked back to look for them because he is not interested to marry her and, indeed, the man in question has married to another woman with 3 children. Is it okay or permissible according to Islamic rules and Sunnah for me to marry this woman and take care of her and the 16 year-old daughter after she has gone through repentance?


Yes, if she has repented and changed her ways, it is allowed to marry her. Some people have a misconception that the Qur’an is telling them it is not allowed to marry someone who committed a sin like this in the past, but that is not what the Qur’an is saying at all.

Almighty Allah knows best.


My non-muslim psychiatrist advised that I shouldn’t wake up for Fajr or regularly fast (as in Mondays and Thursdays) due to my depression/anxiety and mild binge eating disorder. I would of course complete Fajr after I wake up around 8-9 am, but I don’t want to make a big sin if I am not officially exempt by the Sharia.
Does she have the authority to prevent me from praying Fajr on time?
May Allah bless you.


This was probably only a recommendation. You must wake up for Fajr on time since the condition you mentioned is not an excuse. As for fasting, that is optional, so if skipping that fasting will really help your condition, then you should skip that and substitute it with other acts of worship which can bring you closer to Allah.

Almighty Allah knows best.


I have a question regarding intimacy between husband and wife. I and my husband got married 5 years. We haven’t been much together first two years. By grace of Allah we got a son. Then we settled together for the last two years.I could see my husband is not showing interest in me. We have a very lack of intimacy. We have had too many arguments and fights past two years. My husband and I have so much of an intimacy gap. I have so much of expectations but he never wishes for anything. I feel I am the one always facing sexual desire but he hasn’t for two years.rather than this he shows love and care towards me but is not interested in sexual desire I already spoke to him regarding this. He accepts his mistakes but he remains the same. How can I sort it out? Please help me.


I’m saddened to hear about this situation. The solution is to explain how important it is to resolve this issue for you and the two of you should join some intimacy classes. Also, try to change your approach to the issue on an individual level. I suggest for you to read: The Empowered Wife: Six Surprising Secrets for Attracting Your Husband’s Time, Attention, and Affection by Laura Doyle.

If he agrees I suggest you join Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s class online called: Like a Garment. Either one of these will help your situation, inshallah.

Almighty Allah knows best.

Wednesday, Sep. 21, 2022 | 20:00 - 22:00 GMT

Session is over.
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