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People Keep Telling Me Everything Is Haram

Walaikum Asalam,

Welcome to Islam! I commend you on your efforts to be a good Muslim. And you are correct in feeling like you should take things one step at a time. Islam was revealed to the Prophet (Peace and blessing be upon him (PBUH)- the best of humankind) and his followers (the best generation of humankind) over a period of 23 years.

This means, among other things, that Islam is not something that can be implemented overnight. It is a process of coming nearer and nearer to Allah step by step.

The first revelations to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were not about dogs or nail polish. They were not even rules. The first revelations were about Allah; His love for His creation, His Supreme Mercy and Forgiveness. It is so important to know Allah. This is your foundation in Islam, the reason you will want to do all that Islam entails will come from your love of Allah. But how can you love Him and wish to seek His pleasure if you don’t know Him yet, if you don’t know something of what He has revealed to us about Himself through Islam? 

Take some time to learn about the attributes of Allah, His Mercy, His Compassion, His Knowledge, etc, and all that they mean. Here are some links to get started:

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What I recommend when dealing with fellow Muslims who try to load you up with what is prohibited is to kindly ask them if they would instead teach you about the pillars of Islam (including prayer, fasting, etc.) and iman (in English this means something like faith, and knowing Allah (SWT) is the first pillar of iman).

There are 6 pillars of iman and 5 pillars of Islam, as you probably know by now, that must be nailed down first and foremost. It takes time to get a full understanding of these things and to incorporate them into your life. So, go step by step as you said you wished to.

If you rush yourself or someone else rushes you to learn and live by these pillars, you might feel overwhelmed and that is not the point of Islam. Islam is meant to be easy. So take it easy. 

Here are some links about these pillars:

So, I suggest you refocus other’s advice to you. Let them know you are taking it slowly, as is your right, and the pillars are things you wish to learn about first. I am sure that those who offer to guide you have the best intentions at heart and will gladly redirect their advice. 

Also, ask Allah to guide you to His truth. Many people hold opinions that are just that, opinions, and can be heavy on the new Muslim. We ask Allah in our prayers to guide us to the straight path 17 times a day, but it cannot hurt to ask Him at other times for this as well.

I hope this helps. May Allah guide us all to His Truth. All the best in your new, amazing journey.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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