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[email protected] 08/23

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh sister,

Unfortunately, it seems you are suffering from the consequences of having engaged in a haram relationship. It might have seemed innocent to begin with, but as you have since found there have been serious repercussions for having engaged in such relations and have seen first hand why Allah forbids such relations.

However, what is done is done now and there is nothing you can do to go back and change it, but you are doing the right thing in beginning by asking for Allah’s forgiveness. This is the best thing you can do right now and be confident that He is listening and will forgive you. Part of the process of repentance is to also make sure that you don’t fall into the same situation again. This can be done by cutting ties with this man as you have and making sure to stick to this. Likewise, do not talk to other men in this way also. If you desire marriage then make sure to go about it in the correct and halal way that will be pleasing to Allah and form the basis of a strong and steady marriage.

Unfortunately, even though you have done all you can to put an end to this and have faced the consequences of your actions, you continue to be haunted by the fact it could get further out of hand if this man contacts your family further.

Try to feel reassured that Allah knows what is in your heart and that you are truly sorry for your deeds so Allah forbids they should find out, find comfort in the fact that Allah, who is the best judge knows you have repented and in sha Allah will forgive you. This is more important than the opinions of others who may judge you for what you have done potentially in a negative way.

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To ease your concern, obviously you can continue to pray that Allah will continue to conceal your sin, but at the same time, you can prepare yourself for the worst case scenario that they find out. Sometimes the best way to deal with such situations is to be completely transparent and honest about it. This can often be the thing that will gain the respect of others during such times. Be prepared to let them know that you made a big mistake, that you have sincerely begged Allah for forgiveness and you have learned from your mistake. Let them know that you didn’t know he was married, that you have done all you can to cut ties with him when you realized that what you were doing was not ok, and he is the one continuing to bother you to this point despite your attempts to cut him out. In sha Allah if they accept what you are saying they will support you in trying to push this man out of your life and hopefully with their support this will work. However, if they choose not to support you, then continue to find solace with Allah that for His sake you have done your best to fix a bad situation and are doing all you can to ensure the same will never happen again. Find comfort in this conversation with Allah regardless of the outcome.

May Allah forgive you and guide you out of these difficult times. May He accept your repentance and guide you to make decisions in the future that will be most pleasing to Him.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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